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Showing words for IMPOSTS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Imposts
6 Letter Words for Imposts
5 Letter Words for Imposts
4 Letter Words for Imposts
3 Letter Words for Imposts
Definitions for Imposts
[1] a tax; tribute; duty.
[2] a customs duty.
[3] Horse Racing . the weight assigned to a horse in a race.
[4] to determine customs duties on, according to the kind of imports.
[5] the point of springing of an arch; spring.
[6] an architectural feature immediately beneath this point.
[7] a tax, esp a customs duty
[8] horse racing the specific weight that a particular horse must carry in a handicap race
[9] (tr) US to classify (imported goods) according to the duty payable on them
[10] architect a member at the top of a wall, pier, or column that supports an arch, esp one that has a projecting moulding
Words related to Imposts
impostduty, levy, fee, weight, tax, custom, charge, toll, tribute, assessment, surtax
Words nearby Imposts
impostimposing stone, imposition, impossibility, impossible, impossible figure, impost, impost block, impostor, impostor syndrome, impostume, imposture
Origin of Imposts
21655–65; < French imposte < Italian imposta < Latin: feminine of impostus (past participle); see impost1
Other words from Imposts
im·post·er , noun
Word origin for Imposts
C17: from French imposte, from Latin impositus placed upon; see impose
Synonyms for Imposts
assessment, charge, custom, duty, fee, levy, surtax, tax, toll, tribute, weight