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Showing words for IMPURITY using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Impurity
7 Letter Words for Impurity
6 Letter Words for Impurity
5 Letter Words for Impurity
4 Letter Words for Impurity
3 Letter Words for Impurity
Definitions for Impurity
[1] the quality or state of being impure.
[2] Often impurities. something that is or makes impure: After the flood the authorities warned against impurities in the drinking water.
[3] the quality of being impure
[4] an impure thing, constituent, or element impurities in the water
[5] electronics a small quantity of an element added to a pure semiconductor crystal to control its electrical conductivity See also acceptor (def. 2), donor (def. 5)
Words related to Impurity
scum, grime, pollutant, contamination, filth, defilement, dirt, taint, corruption, adulteration, pestilence, uncleanness, stain, pollution, poisoning
Words nearby Impurity
impulsive obsession, impundulu, impunity, impure, impure flutter, impurity, imputable, imputation, imputation system, impute, imputed
Origin of Impurity
1400–50; late Middle English impurite < Latin impūritās. See impure, -ity
Synonyms for Impurity
contamination, grime, pollutant, scum, adulteration, corruption, defilement, dirt, filth, pestilence, poisoning, pollution, stain, taint, uncleanness, foreign matter