10 Letter Words for Incendiary
9 Letter Words for Incendiary
cyanidine, dicyanine
8 Letter Words for Incendiary
acridine, andirine, crannied, cyanidin, dicyanin
7 Letter Words for Incendiary
acidier, acridin, adrenin, andirin, ardency, aricine, cairned, candier, cannery, cannier, carnied, cindery, cinerin, cyanide, cyanine, dancery, dancier, denarii, dineric, dinnery, erinnic, indiary, indican, innyard, irenica, nacrine, narcein, nardine
6 Letter Words for Incendiary
acerin, acider, adenin, airned, ancien, andric, aricin, cairny, candie, canier, canine, canned, canner, cannie, cardie, cardin, caried, carien, cearin, cedarn, cedary, cedrin, cidery, cinder, cnidae, craned, craney, cranny, crined, crinid, cyanid, cyanin, dancer, dancey, danner, decani, denari, denary, dicier, dicyan, dinner, dracin, draine, dynein, encina, endrin, ericad, idaein, inaner, incarn, incend, incide, indane, indear, indian, indice, irenic, nacred, narced, narine, neanic, niacin, nidary, racine, rained, ranced, rancid, randie, ranine, riancy, ricine, yander, yardie, yarned, yarnen
5 Letter Words for Incendiary
acedy, acidy, acier, acini, acned, acred, acrid, aeric, aider, aiery, aired, ancre, andre, anend, annie, arced, arend, ayrie, cader, cadie, cadre, caird, cairn, candy, caned, caner, canid, canny, cardi, cardy, cared, carey, carid, carne, carny, cedar, cedry, ceria, cerin, cider, cnida, craie, crain, crane, crany, craye, cread, creda, crena, cried, criey, crine, daine, dairi, dairy, dance, dancy, danic, danny, darcy, daric, darii, deair, dearn, deary, decan, decay, decry, denar, denay, deray, deric, diane, diary, dicer, dicey, dinar, diner, dinic, dirca, drain, drice, drinn, encia, endia, eniac, ennia, enray, erica, iceni, icier, inane, incan, incra, indan, india, indic, indie, indin, indra, indri, inned, inner, irade, irani, irena, irian, nacre, nacry, nadir, nairy, nance, nancy, nandi, naric, necia, nerdy, nicad, nicer, niner, raced, radii, raine, rainy, rance, randn, randy, ranid, ranny, rayed, rayne, ready, redan, redia, reina, renay, renin, riced, ricey, ricin, riden, rindy, yaird, yeard, yearn, yince
4 Letter Words for Incendiary
aced, acer, acid, acne, acre, aden, adry, aide, aine, aire, airn, airy, ance, anne, anni, anre, ared, aren, arid, arni, ayen, ayin, ayne, ayre, cade, cadi, cady, caid, cain, cair, cand, cane, cann, cany, card, care, carn, cedi, cera, cern, cide, cine, cira, cire, cran, cray, cred, crin, cyan, dace, daer, dain, dane, dare, dari, darn, dean, dear, deia, deni, deny, dern, dian, dice, dicy, dier, dine, dire, dray, drey, drie, dyce, dyer, dyne, eadi, eard, earn, ecad, eira, eiry, ency, eria, eric, erin, eyra, iare, iced, icer, idea, idic, inca, incr, inde, indn, indy, inia, inne, iran, ired, irid, iyar, nace, naid, nain, nane, narc, nard, nare, nary, near, nein, nerd, nice, nide, nidi, nied, nina, nine, nyed, race, racy, rade, raid, rain, rand, rane, rann, read, rean, recd, rein, rend, renn, reny, rice, ricy, ride, rind, rine, ryen, rynd, yade, yair, yard, yare, yarn, ycie, yead, yean, year, yeni, yerd, yern, yird, yirn
3 Letter Words for Incendiary
ace, acy, adc, ade, ady, aer, aid, ain, air, anc, and, ane, ann, any, arc, ard, are, arn, ary, aye, ayr, cad, cai, can, car, cay, cdr, cen, cer, cia, cid, cie, cir, cry, dae, dan, dar, day, dca, dea, dec, dei, den, der, dey, dia, die, din, dir, dna, dry, dye, dyn, ead, ean, ear, eir, enc, end, era, erd, ern, eyn, eyr, ice, icy, ida, ide, inc, ind, inn, ira, ire, nad, nae, nar, nay, nea, ned, nei, nid, nie, nne, nye, rad, rai, ran, ray, rcd, rea, rec, red, rei, ria, rid, rie, rin, rna, rnd, rya, rye, yad, yan, yar, yea, yed, yen, yer, yid, yin
Definitions for Incendiary
[1] used or adapted for setting property on fire: incendiary bombs.
[2] of or relating to the criminal setting on fire of property.
[3] tending to arouse strife, sedition, etc.; inflammatory: incendiary speeches.
[4] tending to inflame the senses: an incendiary extravaganza of music and dance.
[5] a person who deliberately sets fire to buildings or other property, as an arsonist.
[6] Military . a shell, bomb, or grenade containing napalm, thermite, or some other substance that burns with an intense heat.
[7] a person who stirs up strife, sedition, etc.; an agitator.
[8] of or relating to the illegal burning of property, goods, etc
[9] tending to create strife, violence, etc; inflammatory
[10] (of a substance) capable of catching fire, causing fires, or burning readily
[11] a person who illegally sets fire to property, goods, etc; arsonist
[12] (esp formerly) a person who stirs up civil strife, violence, etc, for political reasons; agitator
[13] Also called: incendiary bomb a bomb that is designed to start fires
[14] an incendiary substance, such as phosphorus
Words related to Incendiary
subversive, inflammatory, treacherous, provocative, revolutionary, insurgent, arsonist, rabble-rouser, firebrand, demagogue, pyromaniac, agitator, rebel, demonstrator, criminal, rioter, dangerous, malevolent, seditious, wicked
Words nearby Incendiary
incase, incaution, incautious, ince, incendiarism, incendiary, incense, incense cedar, incense tree, incensory, incenter
Origin of Incendiary
1600–10; < Latin incendiārius, equivalent to incendi(um ) a fire (incend(ere ) to kindle (in- in-2 + -cendere, transitive v. from base of candēre to shine, be hot; see candent, candid, candor) + -ium -ium) + -ārius -ary
Word origin for Incendiary
C17: from Latin incendiārius setting alight, from incendium fire, from incendere to kindle
Synonyms for Incendiary
inflammatory, provocative, subversive, treacherous, dangerous, demagogic, dissentious, malevolent, rabble-rousing, seditious, wicked