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Showing words for INCOMPETENT using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Incompetent


10 Letter Words for Incompetent


9 Letter Words for Incompetent

competent, impotence, pincement, pointment

8 Letter Words for Incompetent

conimene, contempt, entoptic, epitenon, imponent, impotent, monetite, neotenic, ointment, penitent, pentomic, piemonte, pimenton, pincette, pinecone, pointmen, ticement

7 Letter Words for Incompetent

centime, centimo, compete, comptie, coneine, contemn, contemp, content, coptine, eminent, emption, enceint, ennomic, entomic, entonic, entopic, entotic, epitome, incompt, meconin, mention, metonic, metopic, minette, miocene, monepic, neopine, nepotic, nominee, nonepic, nonette, nonetti, onement, onetime, pentice, pentine, pentite, pentoic, picotee, pimento, pontine, potence, potteen, tecomin, tention, tinemen, tonemic, tonetic, tontine, totemic

6 Letter Words for Incompetent

ceinte, cement, cenote, centon, cinene, coempt, comint, comite, compte, coneen, conine, conite, connie, contin, coteen, emetic, emetin, emptio, ennoic, enoint, entice, entone, icemen, impent, impone, incent, incept, income, intent, intone, metope, mitten, necton, nemine, nempne, nepmen, nepote, netmen, nicene, nincom, nitent, nocent, noetic, nomine, notice, octene, octine, optime, pecite, pecten, pectin, peinct, penmen, pennet, pentit, petite, picene, picote, piecen, piemen, pieton, piment, pinene, pinnet, pitmen, pitten, poemet, poetic, pointe, ponent, pontee, pontic, pontie, pontin, poteen, potent, potmen, ptotic, tenent, tenpin, tentie, tiento, tinmen, tinnet, tinpot, tipmen, tiptoe, titmen, toment, toneme, tonite, topmen, topnet

5 Letter Words for Incompetent

ceint, centi, cento, cetin, citee, comet, compt, comte, conin, conne, conte, copei, copen, cotte, ctene, ctimo, emote, enent, entom, entte, ettin, imcnt, impen, impot, inept, innet, inone, mecon, meint, mento, metic, mince, minot, monic, monie, monte, moten, motet, motte, nempt, nepit, netop, niece, niton, noemi, noint, nomen, nomic, nonce, nonet, nonic, octet, oenin, oncet, oncin, ontic, opine, optic, peine, pence, penie, penne, penni, petit, petti, petto, picot, piece, pinon, pinot, pinte, pinto, piton, point, ponce, potin, potti, tecon, temin, tempe, tempo, tempt, tenet, tenio, tenne, tenno, tenon, timet, timon, tinct, tomin, tonic, tonne, topee, topic, totem

4 Letter Words for Incompetent

cene, cent, cepe, cete, ceti, cine, cion, cipo, cite, cito, coin, coit, come, comp, cone, coni, conn, cont, cope, copt, cote, cott, econ, ecto, eine, emic, emit, empt, ento, epic, epit, eten, etic, eton, icon, inne, into, item, itmo, meet, mein, meio, mene, meno, ment, mete, mice, mico, mien, mine, mino, mint, mite, mitt, moet, moit, mone, mont, mope, mote, mott, neem, neep, neet, nein, nemn, nemo, nene, neon, nete, neti, nice, nine, nito, nome, none, nope, note, nott, oeci, oime, oint, omen, omit, omni, once, opec, open, otic, peen, pene, peni, pent, peon, pete, peto, pice, pico, pict, pien, piet, pine, pino, pint, pion, pnce, poem, poet, pome, pone, pont, pote, poti, pott, teem, teen, teet, teme, temp, tene, tent, tepe, tete, tice, tien, time, tinc, tine, tint, tipe, tipt, tite, toit, tome, tone, tonn, tope, topi, tote

3 Letter Words for Incompetent

cee, cen, ceo, cep, cie, cit, com, con, cop, cot, cpi, cpm, cpo, cpt, cte, ctn, cto, ecm, eco, ect, eec, een, eme, emo, emp, enc, ene, eom, eon, epi, etc, ice, imo, imp, inc, inn, int, ion, ipm, ipo, mee, mei, men, met, mic, min, mit, moc, moe, moi, mon, mop, mot, mtn, nco, nee, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nim, nip, nit, nne, nom, non, not, oct, oie, one, oni, ont, ope, opt, otc, pci, pcm, pct, pec, pee, pen, pet, pic, pie, pin, pit, pmt, poi, pom, pon, pot, pte, ptt, tcp, tec, tee, tem, ten, tet, tic, tie, tim, tin, tip, tit, tnt, toc, toe, toi, tom, ton, top, tot, tpi, tpm

Definitions for Incompetent

[1] not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate.
[2] characterized by or showing incompetence: His incompetent acting ruined the play.
[3] Law . being unable or legally unqualified to perform specified acts or to be held legally responsible for such acts. inadmissible, as evidence.
[4] an incompetent person; a mentally deficient person.
[5] Law . a person lacking power to act with legal effectiveness.
[6] not possessing the necessary ability, skill, etc to do or carry out a task; incapable
[7] marked by lack of ability, skill, etc
[8] law not legally qualified an incompetent witness
[9] (of rock strata, folds, etc) yielding readily to pressure so as to undergo structural deformation
[10] an incompetent person

Words related to Incompetent

inefficient, incapable, inadequate, inept, unskilled, ineffectual, useless, unqualified, helpless, amateurish, inexperienced, raw, amateur, awkward, bungling, bush-league, clumsy, ineligible, inexpert, insufficient

Words nearby Incompetent

incommutable, incompact, incomparable, incompatible, incompetence, incompetent, incomplete, incomplete abortion, incomplete antibody, incomplete antigen, incomplete dominance

Origin of Incompetent

1590–1600; < Late Latin incompetent- (stem of incompetēns ) unsuitable. See in-3, competent

Other words from Incompetent

in·com·pe·tent·ly , adverb

Synonyms for Incompetent

amateurish, helpless, inadequate, incapable, ineffectual, inefficient, inept, inexperienced, unqualified, unskilled, useless, amateur, raw, awkward, bungling, bush-league, clumsy, disqualified, floundering, ineligible, inexpert, insufficient, maladroit, not cut out for, not equal to, not have it, out to lunch, unadapted, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, unhandy, uninitiated, unproficient, untrained