10 Letter Words for Indicative
9 Letter Words for Indicative
indicavit, indictive, vindicate
8 Letter Words for Indicative
actinide, antivice, cavitied, ctenidia, diacetin, diactine, inactive, incitive, indicate, invicted, vanitied, vaticide, vaticine, vedantic, viciated, vindicta, vineatic, viticide
7 Letter Words for Indicative
acidite, activin, avicide, caitive, candite, catvine, deviant, devinct, diactin, dianite, dinetic, identic, incaved, incited, indicia, inedita, initive, invidia, invited, naivite, venatic, viciate, vindict
6 Letter Words for Indicative
acetin, actine, active, adient, advect, advent, advice, anetic, avidin, avitic, cadent, candie, canted, centai, cevian, citied, civite, cnidae, ctenii, dacite, dative, decani, decant, detain, devant, dietic, divine, enatic, endict, evanid, idaein, incave, incavi, incide, incite, indice, indict, indite, intice, invade, invect, invict, invite, native, navite, nidate, tienda, tineid, viande, viatic, vicine, vidian, vinted
5 Letter Words for Indicative
acini, acned, acted, actin, aditi, anted, antic, avine, cadet, cadie, caned, canid, caved, cavie, cavin, ceint, centi, cetin, cited, civet, cnida, daine, daint, dance, danic, dante, daven, davit, decan, denat, detin, diact, diane, dicta, dinic, divan, divet, divia, ectad, edict, enact, encia, endia, eniac, entad, entia, evict, iceni, idant, ident, ideta, idite, inact, india, indic, indie, indii, indiv, ivied, naevi, naive, navet, necia, nevat, nicad, nitid, teiid, teind, tenai, tenia, ticed, tinca, tinea, tined, vaned, vatic, vedic, venta, viand, viced, vicia, vinca, vinci, vinea, vined, vinet, vinic, vinta, vitae
4 Letter Words for Indicative
aced, acid, acne, aden, adet, adit, advt, aide, aine, aint, ance, anet, ante, anti, ated, avid, avie, cade, cadi, caid, cain, cand, cane, cant, cate, cave, cedi, cent, ceti, cide, cine, cite, cive, dace, dain, dane, dant, date, dave, dean, deia, deni, dent, deti, detn, deva, devi, dian, dice, dict, diet, dine, dint, dita, dite, diva, dive, divi, eadi, ecad, edit, etic, etna, iced, idea, idic, inca, inde, inia, init, inta, inti, invt, itai, ivin, nace, naid, nave, navi, neat, neti, nevi, nice, nide, nidi, nied, tace, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, tave, tead, tean, teca, tend, tice, tide, tidi, tied, tien, tinc, tind, tine, vade, vain, vane, vant, veda, vein, vena, vend, vent, veta, vica, vice, vide, vied, viii, vina, vine, vint, vita, vite
3 Letter Words for Indicative
ace, act, adc, ade, adv, aid, ain, ait, anc, and, ane, ant, ate, ave, avn, cad, cai, can, cat, cav, cen, cia, cid, cie, cit, civ, cte, ctn, cva, dae, dan, dat, dca, dea, dec, dei, den, det, dev, dia, die, din, dit, div, dna, ead, ean, eat, ect, enc, end, env, eta, etc, ice, ida, ide, iii, inc, ind, int, inv, ita, itd, iva, ive, nad, nae, nat, nav, nea, ned, nei, net, nid, nie, nit, tad, tai, tan, tav, tea, tec, ted, ten, tic, tid, tie, tin, vac, vae, van, vat, vei, vet, via, vic, vid, vie, vii, vin
Definitions for Indicative
[1] showing, signifying, or pointing out; expressive or suggestive (usually followed by of ): behavior indicative of mental disorder.
[2] Grammar . noting or pertaining to the mood of the verb used for ordinary objective statements, questions, etc., as the verb plays in John plays football. Compare imperative(def 3) , subjunctive(def 1) .
[3] the indicative mood.
[4] a verb in the indicative.
[5] (usually postpositive foll by of ) serving as a sign; suggestive indicative of trouble ahead
[6] grammar denoting a mood of verbs used chiefly to make statements Compare subjunctive (def. 1)
[7] grammar the indicative mood a verb in the indicative mood
Words related to Indicative
suggestive, ominous, symbolic, symptomatic, emblematic, characteristic, demonstrative, prognostic, testimonial, apocalyptic, auspicious, connotative, diagnostic, expressive, inauspicious, significant, augural, denotative, denotive, designative
Words nearby Indicative
indicant, indicanuria, indicate, indicated horsepower, indication, indicative, indicator, indicator diagram, indicator species, indices, indicia
Origin of Indicative
From the Late Latin word indicātīvus, dating back to 1520–30. See indicate, -ive
Other words from Indicative
in·dic·a·tive·ly , adverb
un·in·dic·a·tive , adjective
un·in·dic·a·tive·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Indicative
emblematic, ominous, suggestive, symbolic, symptomatic, characteristic, demonstrative, prognostic, testimonial, apocalyptic, augural, auspicious, connotative, denotative, denotive, designative, diagnostic, evidential, evincive, expressive, inauspicious, indicatory, indicial, pointing to, significant, significatory, testatory