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Showing words for INDICTED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Indicted
7 Letter Words for Indicted
6 Letter Words for Indicted
5 Letter Words for Indicted
4 Letter Words for Indicted
3 Letter Words for Indicted
Definitions for Indicted
[1] (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against, as a means of bringing to trial: The grand jury indicted him for murder.
[2] to charge with an offense or crime; accuse of wrongdoing; castigate; criticize: He tends to indict everyone of plotting against him.
[3] (tr) to charge (a person) with crime, esp formally in writing; accuse
Words related to Indicted
indictprosecute, censure, summon, incriminate, charge, impeach, arraign, frame, tax, criminate, inculpate, finger
Words nearby Indicted
indictindicia, indicial, indicial equation, indicium, indicolite, indict, indictable, indiction, indictment, indie, indienne
Origin of Indicted
1620–30; variant spelling (< Medieval Latin ) of indite
Words that may be confused with Indicted
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, indictindict, indite
Other words from Indicted
in·dict·ee , noun
in·dict·er , in·dict·or , noun
re·in·dict , verb (used with object)
un·in·dict·ed , adjective
Word origin for Indicted
C14: alteration of enditen to indite
Synonyms for Indicted
arraign, censure, charge, impeach, incriminate, prosecute, summon, criminate, finger, frame, inculpate, tax, face with charges