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Showing words for INDIRECTION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Indirection


10 Letter Words for Indirection

indoctrine, interionic

9 Letter Words for Indirection

cretinoid, dicentrin, direction, encrinoid, incondite, incretion, indiction, nicotined, noncredit, rendition, trinodine

8 Letter Words for Indirection

centroid, citrinin, citronin, cotinine, dicerion, dioritic, doctrine, endocrin, icteroid, incentor, incident, indentor, indicter, indictor, indirect, inertion, intrince, irenicon, neritoid, nicotine, redition, reindict, retinoid, ricinine

7 Letter Words for Indirection

cerotin, cinerin, citrine, cointer, condite, coniine, contend, cordite, corinne, cornein, cortine, cotrine, cretion, crinion, crinite, crinoid, cronied, ctenoid, deontic, dictier, diction, dineric, dinetic, dinitro, diorite, donnert, edition, endiron, entonic, ericoid, erinnic, icterid, identic, idiotic, incited, inciter, inconie, inditer, indocin, inition, inteind, intoned, intoner, intrine, iridine, iridite, ironice, nectron, neritic, neritid, nicotin, nitride, nointed, noritic, noticed, noticer, odinite, oneiric, otidine, rection, retinic, tendron, tenioid, ternion, tineoid, tinnier, tondini, trinode

6 Letter Words for Indirection

cedrin, cedron, centon, centro, ceroid, cinder, cinter, citied, citrin, citron, coedit, coined, coiner, conder, condie, conine, conite, conned, conner, connie, conred, conter, contin, coreid, coriin, corned, cornet, cornin, cortin, credit, cretin, crined, crinet, crinid, cronet, cronie, crotin, ctenii, dentin, dicier, dietic, dinero, dinner, diotic, direct, dirten, dition, ditone, docent, dornic, dotier, dreint, dronet, dronte, editor, endict, endrin, ennoic, enoint, erotic, incend, incent, incide, incite, incord, inctri, indent, indice, indico, indict, indite, indoin, indone, initio, intend, intern, intice, intine, intire, intoed, intone, introd, intron, iodine, iodite, irenic, iridic, iridin, iritic, ironed, ironic, necton, nidiot, nitred, nitric, nitrid, nocent, noetic, nordic, norice, norite, notice, octine, ointed, ondine, oniric, orcein, orcine, oretic, orient, recoin, recond, ricine, rident, rincon, rioted, rodent, roined, roncet, teioid, tendon, tercio, ticino, tidier, tierod, tinder, tineid, tinier, tinned, tinner, tinnie, tonier, tonner, triced, tricon, tridii, trined, triode

5 Letter Words for Indirection

ceint, centi, cento, cerin, cetin, cider, cirio, cited, citer, coden, coder, coned, coner, conin, conne, contd, conte, contr, cored, corni, coted, credo, cried, crine, crone, decon, decor, deric, detin, dicer, dicot, diner, dinic, dioti, diter, donec, donet, donne, doric, doter, drent, drice, drinn, droit, drone, ecoid, edict, enorn, iceni, icier, ident, idion, idiot, idite, incor, indic, indie, indii, indin, indri, inert, inion, inned, inner, innet, innit, inone, inter, intro, iodic, iodin, ionic, iortn, irido, irone, necro, nicer, nidor, niner, niter, nitid, niton, nitro, noint, noire, nonce, nonet, nonic, norie, norit, noted, noter, oenin, oncer, oncet, oncin, onned, ontic, orcin, recit, recon, recti, recto, redon, renin, retin, riced, ricin, riden, ronde, ronin, ronne, ronte, roted, tecon, teiid, teind, tendo, tenio, tenno, tenon, tenor, ticed, ticer, tined, tired, tondi, toned, toner, tonic, tonne, tored, toric, torii, trend, trice, tride, tried, trine, trode, troic, tronc, trone

4 Letter Words for Indirection

cedi, cent, cern, cero, cert, ceti, cide, cine, cion, cire, cite, cito, code, coed, coin, coir, coit, cond, cone, coni, conn, cont, cord, core, corn, cort, cote, cred, crin, crit, dcor, deco, deni, dent, dern, dero, deti, detn, dice, dict, dier, diet, dine, dino, dint, dioc, dire, dirt, dite, doen, doer, doit, done, doni, dont, dore, dorn, dort, dote, drie, ecod, econ, ecto, edit, endo, ento, entr, eric, erin, etic, eton, iced, icer, icod, icon, ideo, idic, incr, inde, indn, init, inne, inro, inti, into, intr, iode, ired, irid, iron, iter, nein, neon, nerd, neti, nice, nide, nidi, nied, nine, nito, node, nodi, noir, none, nore, nori, norn, note, oder, odic, odin, oeci, oint, once, oner, ordn, ored, otic, recd, rect, redo, rein, reit, rend, renn, reno, rent, retd, rice, ride, rind, rine, riot, rite, rode, roed, roid, roin, roit, rond, rone, ront, rotc, rote, roti, tend, tern, tice, tide, tidi, tied, tien, tier, tinc, tind, tine, tire, tode, toed, tone, tonn, torc, tore, tori, torn, trid, trie, trin, trio, trod, tron

3 Letter Words for Indirection

cdr, cen, ceo, cer, cid, cie, cir, cit, cod, con, cor, cot, cro, crt, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, dec, dei, den, der, det, die, din, dir, dit, doc, doe, don, dor, dot, eco, ect, edo, eir, enc, end, eon, erd, ern, ert, etc, ice, ide, ido, iii, inc, ind, inn, int, ion, ire, itd, nco, ned, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nit, nne, nod, non, nor, not, oct, ode, oer, oie, oii, one, oni, ont, orc, ord, ore, ort, otc, rcd, rct, rec, red, rei, rid, rie, rin, rio, rit, rnd, roc, rod, roe, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, tdr, tec, ted, ten, ter, tic, tid, tie, tin, toc, tod, toe, toi, ton, tor, tri

Definitions for Indirection

[1] indirect action or procedure.
[2] a roundabout course or method.
[3] a lack of direction or goal; aimlessness: His efforts were marked by indirection and indecisiveness.
[4] deceitful or dishonest dealing.
[5] indirect procedure, courses, or methods
[6] lack of direction or purpose; aimlessness
[7] indirect dealing; deceit

Words related to Indirection

falsehood, infamy, duplicity, falsity, stealing, shadiness, deceit, artifice, racket, fraud, graft, double-dealing, infidelity, cheating, trickery, trickiness, bunk, cunning, corruption, perfidy

Words nearby Indirection

indirect reacting bilirubin, indirect speech, indirect tax, indirect transfusion, indirect vision, indirection, indiscernible, indiscerptible, indiscipline, indiscoverable, indiscreet

Origin of Indirection

1585–95; indirect + -ion, modeled on direction

Synonyms for Indirection

artifice, bunk, cheating, chicane, chicanery, corruption, craft, craftiness, criminality, crookedness, cunning, deceit, deviousness, double-dealing, duplicity, faithlessness, falsehood, falsity, flimflam, fraud, fraudulence, graft, guile, hocus-pocus, infamy, infidelity, insidiousness, mendacity, perfidiousness, perfidy, racket, rascality, shadiness, shiftiness, slyness, sneakiness, stealing, swindle, treachery, trickery, trickiness, unscrupulousness, wiliness, fourberie, hanky-panky, improbity, sharp practice, underhandedness