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Showing words for INDUCTIVE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Inductive
8 Letter Words for Inductive
7 Letter Words for Inductive
6 Letter Words for Inductive
5 Letter Words for Inductive
4 Letter Words for Inductive
3 Letter Words for Inductive
Definitions for Inductive
[1] of, relating to, or involving electrical induction or magnetic induction.
[2] operating by induction: an inductive machine.
[3] of, relating to, or employing logical induction: inductive reasoning.
[4] Embryology . eliciting the action of an embryonic inducer.
[5] serving to induce; leading or influencing (usually followed by to ).
[6] introductory.
[7] relating to, involving, or operated by electrical or magnetic induction an inductive reactance
[8] logic maths of, relating to, or using induction inductive reasoning
[9] serving to induce or cause
[10] a rare word for introductory
[11] biology producing a reaction within an organism, esp induction in embryonic tissue
Words related to Inductive
preparatory, inaugural, prior, exploratory, previous, preliminary, opening, primary, trial, fundamental, basic, test, pilot, first, readying, anterior, beginning, early, elementary, incipient
Words nearby Inductive
induction hardening, induction heating, induction loop system, induction motor, induction period, inductive, inductive coupling, inductive reactance, inductive statistics, inductor, inductothermy
Origin of Inductive
From the Late Latin word inductīvus, dating back to 1600–10. See induct, -ive
Other words from Inductive
in·duc·tive·ly , adverb
in·duc·tive·ness , noun
an·ti-in·duc·tive , adjective
an·ti-in·duc·tive·ly , adverb
an·ti-in·duc·tive·ness , noun
pre·in·duc·tive , adjective
sem·i-in·duc·tive , adjective
un·in·duc·tive , adjective
Synonyms for Inductive
inaugural, preparatory, anterior, basic, beginning, early, elementary, incipient, initial, initiatory, opening, original, precursory, prefatory, prelusive, preparative, primary, prior, proemial, provisional, rudimentary, starting