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Showing words for INFALLIBLE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Infallible


8 Letter Words for Infallible

fallible, fillable, illabile, nailfile

7 Letter Words for Infallible

baillie, billian, finable, flabile, linable

6 Letter Words for Infallible

alible, bailie, bailli, bainie, baline, befall, belial, bilian, billie, faible, faille, fallen, filial, finale, finial, flabel, inable, infall, infile, infill, labile, liable, lienal, lilial, lineal, nielli

5 Letter Words for Infallible

albin, alfin, alibi, alien, alife, allel, allen, anile, baile, balei, balli, befan, belli, biali, billa, binal, blain, blini, elain, elfin, ellan, enlil, fable, faine, fella, filea, filla, fille, final, flail, flain, flane, ileal, ilial, inial, label, laine, leban, liane, libel, lifen, linea, linie, nable, nifle

4 Letter Words for Infallible

abel, able, aiel, aile, aine, albe, alef, alen, alif, alii, alin, anil, bail, bain, bale, bali, ball, bane, bani, beal, bean, bein, bela, bell, bena, beni, bien, bile, bill, bine, blae, blan, blea, blin, eila, elan, elli, fail, fain, fall, fane, feal, feil, fell, feni, fiel, fila, file, fili, fill, fine, fini, flab, flan, flea, ilea, ilia, inbe, infl, inia, laen, lain, lall, lane, leaf, leal, lean, lena, lief, lien, life, liin, lila, lile, lill, lina, line, nabe, nael, naib, naif, nail, nale, neaf, neal, neif, nief, nife, nile, nill

3 Letter Words for Infallible

abl, abn, afb, ail, ain, alb, ale, alf, all, aln, ane, bae, bai, bal, ban, bef, bel, ben, bin, bnf, ean, ebn, efl, ela, elb, elf, eli, ell, enl, fab, fan, fbi, feb, fei, fen, fib, fie, fil, fin, flb, fll, iba, ife, ile, ill, inf, lab, lai, lan, lbf, lea, lei, lib, lie, lif, lin, llb, nab, nae, naf, nbe, nea, neb, nef, nei, nib, nie, nil

Definitions for Infallible

[1] absolutely trustworthy or sure: an infallible rule.
[2] unfailing in effectiveness or operation; certain: an infallible remedy.
[3] not fallible; exempt from liability to error, as persons, their judgment, or pronouncements: an infallible principle.
[4] Roman Catholic Church . immune from fallacy or liability to error in expounding matters of faith or morals by virtue of the promise made by Christ to the Church.
[5] an infallible person or thing.
[6] not fallible; not liable to error
[7] not liable to failure; certain; sure an infallible cure
[8] completely dependable or trustworthy
[9] a person or thing that is incapable of error or failure

Words related to Infallible

authoritative, flawless, unbeatable, foolproof, acceptable, accurate, agreeable, certain, correct, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, exact, faultless, handy, helpful, impeccable, incontrovertible, omniscient

Words nearby Infallible

inf, inf., infallibilism, infallibility, infallibility, papal, infallible, infamize, infamous, infamy, infancy, infant

Origin of Infallible

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English word from Medieval Latin word infallibilis. See in-3, fallible

Other words from Infallible

in·fal·li·bil·i·ty , in·fal·li·ble·ness , noun
in·fal·li·bly , adverb
non·in·fal·li·ble , adjective
non·in·fal·li·bly , adverb

Synonyms for Infallible

authoritative, flawless, foolproof, unbeatable, acceptable, accurate, agreeable, apodictic, certain, correct, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, exact, faultless, handy, helpful, impeccable, incontrovertible, inerrable, inerrant, omniscient, perfect, positive, reliable, satisfactory, satisfying, sure, surefire, true, trustworthy, undeceivable, unfailing, unimpeachable, unquestionable, useful