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Showing words for INFIX using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Infix


4 Letter Words for Infix


3 Letter Words for Infix

fin, fix, inf, nix, xii

Definitions for Infix

[1] to fix, fasten, or drive in: He infixed the fatal spear.
[2] to implant: to infix a habit.
[3] to instill (a fact, idea, etc.) in the mind or memory; impress.
[4] Grammar . to add as an infix.
[5] Grammar . (of a linguistic form) to admit an infix.
[6] Grammar . an affix that is inserted within the body of the element to which it is added, as Latin m in accumbō “I lie down,” as compared with accubuī “I lay down.”
[7] (tr) to fix firmly in
[8] (tr) to instil or inculcate
[9] grammar to insert (an affix) or (of an affix) to be inserted into the middle of a word
[10] grammar an affix inserted into the middle of a word

Words related to Infix

consolidate, thicken, set, secure, pin, affix, inculcate, connect, glue, instill, graft, ingrain, attach, moor, congeal, lodge, tie, implant, entrench, locate

Words nearby Infix

infinity, infirm, infirmarian, infirmary, infirmity, infix, infl., inflame, inflammable, inflammation, inflammatory

Origin of Infix

1495–1505; < Latin infīxus past participle of infīgere to fasten in. See in-2, fix

Other words from Infix

in·fix·ion [in-fik -shuh n] /ɪnˈfɪk ʃən/ , noun
un·in·fixed , adjective

Synonyms for Infix

affix, anchor, attach, bind, catch, cement, congeal, connect, consolidate, couple, embed, entrench, fasten, glue, graft, harden, implant, inculcate, ingrain, install, instill, link, locate, lodge, moor, pin, place, plant, position, rigidify, rivet, root, secure, set, settle, solidify, stabilize, steady, stick, stiffen, thicken, tie, freeze to, nail down, stay put