13 Letter Words for Influenceable
12 Letter Words for Influenceable
inenucleable, influencable
10 Letter Words for Influenceable
ebullience, enunciable, unfeelable, unfineable
9 Letter Words for Influenceable
beflannel, incunable, influence, unfinable
8 Letter Words for Influenceable
baculine, banlieue, befallen, belluine, benefice, biennale, binnacle, blueline, bullfice, cannelle, cebuella, feelable, fencible, fileable, fineable, infeeble, lecanine, lenience, lienable, lineable, unbelief, unfacile, unfallen, unfeeble, unfeline, unfleece, unliable, unlineal
7 Letter Words for Influenceable
abience, abilene, alienee, ancille, annulli, baleful, baneful, banlieu, beaufin, beeline, benefic, bluefin, bullace, bunnell, canelle, canille, cannele, caubeen, cauline, cueball, cunenei, ecuelle, encelia, encinal, eucaine, faience, fannell, feculae, feeable, feuille, fiancee, fibulae, ficelle, finable, finance, flabile, flannel, flebile, fluence, fluible, funicle, iceball, icefall, iceleaf, incubee, infulae, leelane, leucine, libelee, linable, lucible, lucifee, nacelle, nebulae, nucelli, nucleal, nuclein, nucleli, uncinal, unclean, unfence, unicell, uniface
6 Letter Words for Influenceable
abulic, aculei, alcine, alible, aliene, allene, allice, alnein, alnuin, ancien, ancile, annule, annuli, anubin, auncel, bacile, baclin, bacule, baculi, bailee, baleen, baline, beanie, becall, becuna, beefin, befall, befell, befile, beflea, belace, beleaf, belial, belief, bellic, bennel, bennie, bienne, biface, binful, bullae, bullan, buncal, bunnia, cabful, caille, caline, canell, canful, canine, cannel, cannie, caufle, cebell, cebian, cebine, cebuan, celebe, cellae, cinene, clinal, cubane, cuneal, cunila, elaine, elance, eleuin, enable, encell, encina, enface, enfile, enlace, enleaf, enleen, enlief, enlife, eucain, facile, faence, faible, faille, fallen, fannel, fecial, fecula, feeble, feline, fellen, fellic, fenian, fennec, fennel, fennic, fiance, fibula, filace, finale, finnac, flabel, flaune, fleece, flucan, fulani, fulica, fullan, funnel, inable, incube, inface, infall, influe, infula, inlace, labile, lacune, launce, leafen, leeful, leucin, liable, lienal, lienee, lineal, lucban, lucian, lucina, neanic, nebula, nebule, nicene, nuance, nubian, nubile, nuclei, nuncle, ulfila, unable, unbain, unbale, unbane, unbeen, unbell, uncall, unciae, uncial, unface, unfain, unfeel, unfele, unfile, unfill, unfine, unible, unicef, unlace, unleaf, unleal, unlean, unline, unnail, unnice
5 Letter Words for Influenceable
abcee, abele, abune, ainee, albee, albin, alenu, alfin, alice, alien, alife, allee, allen, ancle, anele, anile, annie, annul, aubin, aulic, bacin, baile, balei, balli, balun, beele, befan, beice, belee, belie, belle, belli, belue, benic, benin, benne, benni, billa, binal, binna, biune, blain, blanc, bulla, bunce, bunia, cabin, cable, calef, calin, calli, canel, canli, canun, cauli, cebil, ceiba, ceile, celeb, cella, cinel, clean, cline, cuban, cubla, culla, cunea, cunei, cunni, elaic, elain, elfic, elfin, ellan, ellen, encia, enfin, eniac, enlil, ennia, ennui, fable, facie, faine, falun, fanin, fecal, fella, fence, filea, filla, fille, final, finca, flail, flain, flane, funic, funli, ileac, ileal, inane, incan, incle, inula, label, laine, lance, leban, leben, lenin, liane, libel, lieue, lifen, lilac, linac, linea, linen, lucan, lucia, lulab, lunel, nable, nance, neafe, nebel, necia, neela, neele, niece, nifle, nubia, nucal, nucin, nulla, nunce, uinal, ulnae, unban, uncia, uncle, unice, unlie
4 Letter Words for Influenceable
abel, able, acle, aclu, acne, aiel, aile, aine, ainu, albe, alce, alec, alee, alef, alen, alif, alin, ance, anil, anne, anni, aube, aune, baic, bail, bain, bale, bali, ball, balu, banc, bane, bani, baul, baun, beal, bean, beau, beef, been, bein, bela, bell, bena, bene, beni, benn, bice, bien, bile, bill, bine, blae, blan, blea, blee, bleu, blin, blue, bual, bull, buna, bunn, cafe, cain, calf, call, cane, cann, cauf, caul, cebu, ceil, cele, cell, cene, ciel, cill, cine, clan, clee, clef, clin, club, clue, cuba, cube, cubi, cuif, cull, eale, eila, eine, elan, elbe, elec, elle, elli, elne, elul, encl, enuf, face, fail, fain, fall, fane, faun, feal, feeb, feel, feil, fele, fell, feni, fica, fice, fiel, fila, file, fill, fine, finn, flab, flan, flea, flee, flic, flub, flue, fuci, fuel, fula, full, ieee, ilea, inbe, inca, incl, infl, inne, lace, laen, laic, lain, lane, lauf, laun, leaf, leal, lean, leef, lena, lene, lice, lief, lien, lieu, life, lila, lile, lina, line, linn, luba, lube, luce, luna, lune, lunn, nabe, nabu, nace, nael, naib, naif, nail, nain, nale, nane, neaf, neal, nebe, nebn, neif, nein, nene, nice, nief, nife, nile, nill, nina, nine, null, nunc, ulan, ulla, ulna, unai, unal, unbe, unca, unce, unci, unie
3 Letter Words for Influenceable
abc, abl, abn, abu, ace, afb, ail, ain, alb, alc, ale, alf, all, aln, anc, ane, ann, anu, auf, aul, bac, bae, bai, bal, ban, bcf, bec, bee, bef, bel, ben, bin, bnf, bul, bun, cab, caf, cai, cal, can, cee, cel, cen, cfi, cia, cie, cif, cli, cub, cue, cul, cun, ean, eau, ebn, ecb, ecu, eec, eel, een, efl, ela, elb, elf, eli, ell, enc, ene, enl, fab, fac, fan, fbi, feb, fec, fee, fei, fen, feu, fib, fie, fil, fin, flb, fll, flu, fub, fun, iba, ice, ifc, ife, ile, ill, inc, inf, inn, lab, lac, lai, lan, lbf, lca, lea, lee, lei, leu, lib, lie, lif, lin, llb, lub, lue, nab, nae, naf, nbe, nea, neb, nee, nef, nei, nib, nie, nil, nne, nub, nul, nun, ubc, ubi, uca, ufa, ula, ule, ull, una, unb, unc, uni, unl, unn
Definitions for Influenceable
[1] the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of others: He used family influence to get the contract.
[2] the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others: Her mother's influence made her stay.
[3] a person or thing that exerts influence: He is an influence for the good.
[4] Astrology . the radiation of an ethereal fluid from the stars, regarded as affecting human actions and destinies. the exercise of occult power by the stars, or such power as exercised.
[5] the exercise of similar power by human beings.
[6] Obsolete . influx.
[7] to exercise influence on; affect; sway: to influence a person.
[8] to move or impel (a person) to some action: Outside factors influenced her to resign.
[9] under the influence , Law . less than drunk but with one's nervous system impaired: He was driving while under the influence. Also under the influence of intoxicating liquor.
[10] an effect of one person or thing on another
[11] the power of a person or thing to have such an effect
[12] power or sway resulting from ability, wealth, position, etc
[13] a person or thing having influence
[14] astrology an ethereal fluid or occult power regarded as emanating from the stars and affecting a person's actions, future, etc
[15] under the influence informal drunk
[16] to persuade or induce
[17] to have an effect upon (actions, events, etc); affect
Words related to Influenceable
influencesusceptible, sympathetic, welcoming, sensitive, open-minded, amenable, approachable, ready, interested, hospitable, responsive, friendly, sensible, conscious, receptive, compassionate, aware, active, reactive, agreeable
Words nearby Influenceable
influenceinflexion, inflict, infliction, inflorescence, inflow, influence, influence peddler, influencer, influent, influential, influenza
Origin of Influenceable
1325–75; Middle English < Medieval Latin influentia stellar emanation, equivalent to Latin influent- (see influent) + -ia -y3; see -ence
Words that may be confused with Influenceable
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, influenceaffluence, effluence, influence
Other words from Influenceable
in·flu·ence·a·ble , adjective
in·flu·enc·er , noun
coun·ter·in·flu·ence , noun, verb (used with object), coun·ter·in·flu·enced, coun·ter·in·flu·enc·ing.
in·ter·in·flu·ence , verb, in·ter·in·flu·enced, in·ter·in·flu·enc·ing.
non·in·flu·ence , noun
out·in·flu·ence , verb (used with object), out·in·flu·enced, out·in·flu·enc·ing.
o·ver·in·flu·ence , verb (used with object), o·ver·in·flu·enced, o·ver·in·flu·enc·ing.
pre·in·flu·ence , noun
re·in·flu·ence , verb (used with object), re·in·flu·enced, re·in·flu·enc·ing.
su·per·in·flu·ence , noun, verb (used with object), su·per·in·flu·enced, su·per·in·flu·enc·ing.
un·in·flu·enced , adjective
un·in·flu·enc·ing , adjective
Word origin for Influenceable
C14: from Medieval Latin influentia emanation of power from the stars, from Latin influere to flow into, from fluere to flow
Synonyms for Influenceable
susceptible, impressible, affectable, affected, feeling, ingenuous, open, perceptive, plastic, receptive, responsive, sensible, sensile, sensitive, sentient, suggestible, susceptive, vulnerable, wax-like