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Showing words for INFORMATION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Information


10 Letter Words for Information

antiformin, minoration

9 Letter Words for Information

firmation, formation, informant, nitramino, nominator

8 Letter Words for Information

amniotin, fomorian, friation, frontman, infotain, miniator, monition, moration, natiform, nitramin, noration, ornation, rimation, tironian, triamino

7 Letter Words for Information

amorini, amorino, amotion, antonio, fontina, footman, formant, franion, fronton, ironman, manroot, martini, monario, monitor, moonrat, nonfarm, nonform, nonfrat, norimon, ontario, oration, rantoon, roofman, tormina, triamin, trianon, trionfi, trionfo, tromino

6 Letter Words for Information

afront, aition, amnion, anoint, antrin, aroint, atimon, faitor, fanion, fantom, fiorin, firman, footra, forint, format, formin, fortin, infair, infant, infima, infirm, inform, intima, intron, ionian, maftir, mainor, manini, manito, manoir, manton, mariti, maroon, martin, matron, minion, minoan, minora, moirai, monont, montia, monton, morian, morion, motion, motrin, nation, natron, nintoo, nomina, nonair, nonart, nonfat, norito, norman, notion, ortman, ramoon, ration, ratoon, romani, romano, ronion, tinman, toforn, tomorn, torino

5 Letter Words for Information

afoot, afrit, ainoi, amini, amino, amnio, amort, amrit, animi, animo, anion, annot, anorn, ariot, armin, armit, aroon, faint, fairm, fanin, fanit, fanon, fario, fator, fiant, firma, fomor, foram, forma, fraim, frati, front, froom, ifint, ifrit, imari, imino, inarm, infin, infit, infra, inion, innit, inoma, intra, intro, ionia, iortn, irani, irian, mafoo, maint, manit, manor, manto, maori, maron, matin, minar, minor, minot, mirin, mitra, moira, moorn, morat, moria, morin, moron, morta, motif, moton, motor, naomi, niota, niton, nitro, noint, nomia, nomoi, noria, norit, norma, norna, notan, omani, omina, onion, orant, orion, ramin, ramon, ratio, ratoo, riant, roman, ronin, rooti, rotan, taino, tairn, tamin, tarin, timar, timon, timor, tirma, toman, tomia, tomin, toona, toran, torii, torma, train, trifa, trina, trona

4 Letter Words for Information

afro, aint, aion, airn, airt, amin, amit, amon, amor, anim, anni, anno, anon, anti, arni, arno, atmo, atom, fain, fair, fait, fano, fant, faon, farm, faro, fart, fiar, fiat, fini, finn, fino, firm, firn, fnma, foam, foin, fono, font, foon, foot, form, fort, frat, frim, frit, from, frot, iman, imit, info, inia, init, inro, inta, inti, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, itai, itmo, main, mair, mani, mano, mant, maoi, mari, maro, mart, mian, mini, mino, mint, miri, miro, moan, moat, moio, moir, moit, mona, mono, mont, mooi, moon, moor, moot, mora, morn, moro, mort, mota, mrna, naif, nain, naio, nant, naoi, nato, natr, nina, nito, noir, noma, nona, noon, nori, norm, norn, nota, oint, oman, omao, omit, omni, onto, oont, oran, orna, raft, rain, rait, rami, rann, rant, rato, rift, rima, riot, rita, roam, roan, roin, roit, roma, ront, roof, room, roon, root, rota, roti, roto, tain, tari, tarn, taro, tiao, tiar, tonn, toom, toon, tori, torn, toro, tram, trim, trin, trio, trna, tron

3 Letter Words for Information

aft, aim, ain, air, ait, ami, amt, ann, ant, aor, arf, arm, arn, art, atm, fam, fan, fao, far, fat, fin, fir, fit, fmt, fon, foo, for, fot, fra, fri, fro, frt, iao, imf, imi, imo, inf, inn, int, iof, ion, ira, ita, man, mao, mar, mat, mfa, mfr, mia, min, mir, mit, mna, moa, moi, mon, moo, mor, mot, mri, mtn, naf, nam, nar, nat, nim, nit, noa, nom, non, noo, nor, not, oaf, oam, oar, oat, ofo, oft, oii, ona, oni, ono, ont, oof, oom, oon, oor, oot, ora, orf, ort, oto, raf, rai, ram, ran, rat, ria, rif, rim, rin, rio, rit, rna, roi, rom, ron, roo, rot, rti, tai, tam, tan, tao, tar, tfr, tim, tin, toa, toi, tom, ton, too, tor, tra, trf, tri, trm

Definitions for Information

[1] knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance; news: information concerning a crime.
[2] knowledge gained through study, communication, research, instruction, etc.; factual data: His wealth of general information is amazing.
[3] the act or fact of informing.
[4] an office, station, service, or employee whose function is to provide information to the public: The ticket seller said to ask information for a timetable.
[5] Directory Assistance.
[6] Law . an official criminal charge presented, usually by the prosecuting officers of the state, without the interposition of a grand jury. a criminal charge, made by a public official under oath before a magistrate, of an offense punishable summarily. the document containing the depositions of witnesses against one accused of a crime.
[7] (in information theory) an indication of the number of possible choices of messages, expressible as the value of some monotonic function of the number of choices, usually the logarithm to the base 2.
[8] Computers . important or useful facts obtained as output from a computer by means of processing input data with a program: Using the input data, we have come up with some significant new information. data at any stage of processing (input, output, storage, transmission, etc.).
[9] knowledge acquired through experience or study
[10] knowledge of specific and timely events or situations; news
[11] the act of informing or the condition of being informed
[12] an office, agency, etc, providing information (as modifier ) information service
[13] a charge or complaint made before justices of the peace, usually on oath, to institute summary criminal proceedings a complaint filed on behalf of the Crown, usually by the attorney general
[14] computing the meaning given to data by the way in which it is interpreted another word for data (def. 2)
[15] too much information informal I don't want to hear any more

Words related to Information

instruction, word, knowledge, intelligence, advice, material, tip, clue, science, report, message, data, info, orientation, tidings, learning, illumination, erudition, confidence, network

Words nearby Information

informal settlement, informal vote, informality, informant, informatics, information, information age, information architecture, information economy, information overload, information processing

Origin of Information

1350–1400; Middle English: instruction, teaching, a forming of the mind < Medieval Latin, Latin: idea, conception. See inform1, -ation

Other words from Information

in·for·ma·tion·al , adjective
non·in·for·ma·tion·al , adjective

Synonyms for Information

advice, clue, data, info, instruction, intelligence, knowledge, material, message, report, science, tip, word, ammo, break, confidence, counsel, cue, dirt, dope, dossier, earful, enlightenment, erudition, illumination, leak, learning, lore, network, notice, notification, orientation, propaganda, scoop, score, tidings, wisdom, chapter and verse, inside story, lowdown, what's what, whole story