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Showing words for INHERENT using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Inherent
7 Letter Words for Inherent
6 Letter Words for Inherent
5 Letter Words for Inherent
4 Letter Words for Inherent
3 Letter Words for Inherent
Definitions for Inherent
[1] existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute; inhering: an inherent distrust of strangers.
[2] Grammar . standing before a noun.
[3] existing as an inseparable part; intrinsic
Words related to Inherent
latent, innate, constitutional, built-in, internal, essential, natural, genetic, deep-rooted, deep-seated, fundamental, instinctive, ingrained, intrinsic, implicit, characteristic, congenital, distinctive, elementary, fixed
Words nearby Inherent
inhaul, inher., inhere, inherence, inherency, inherent, inherent immunity, inherit, inheritable, inheritance, inheritance tax
Origin of Inherent
1570–80; < Latin inhaerent- (stem of inhaerēns ), present participle of inhaerēre to inhere; see -ent
Other words from Inherent
in·her·ent·ly , adverb
non·in·her·ent , adjective
non·in·her·ent·ly , adverb
un·in·her·ent , adjective
un·in·her·ent·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Inherent
built-in, constitutional, deep-rooted, deep-seated, essential, fundamental, genetic, implicit, ingrained, innate, instinctive, internal, intrinsic, latent, natural, characteristic, congenital, connate, distinctive, elementary, fixed, immanent, in the grain, inborn, inbred, inbuilt, indigenous, indispensable, individual, indwelling, inherited, inner, integral, integrated, intimate, inward, native, original, part and parcel, resident, running in the family, subjective, unalienable