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Showing words for INITIATIVE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Initiative
9 Letter Words for Initiative
8 Letter Words for Initiative
7 Letter Words for Initiative
6 Letter Words for Initiative
5 Letter Words for Initiative
4 Letter Words for Initiative
3 Letter Words for Initiative
Definitions for Initiative
[1] an introductory act or step; leading action: to take the initiative in making friends.
[2] readiness and ability in initiating action; enterprise: to lack initiative.
[3] one's personal, responsible decision: to act on one's own initiative.
[4] Government . a procedure by which a specified number of voters may propose a statute, constitutional amendment, or ordinance, and compel a popular vote on its adoption. Compare referendum(def 1) . the general right or ability to present a new bill or measure, as in a legislature.
[5] of or relating to formal admission or acceptance into a club or other group; signifying an initiation: The secret society's initiative events are best left undescribed.
[6] serving to set in motion or initiate; introductory; beginning: Initiative steps were taken to stop manufacture of the drug.
[7] the first step or action of a matter; commencing move he took the initiative ; a peace initiative
[8] the right or power to begin or initiate something he has the initiative
[9] the ability or attitude required to begin or initiate something
[10] government the right or power to introduce legislation, etc, in a legislative body the procedure by which citizens originate legislation, as in many American states and Switzerland
[11] on one's own initiative without being prompted
[12] of or concerning initiation or serving to initiate; initiatory
Words related to Initiative
action, push, leadership, drive, vigor, resource, spunk, get-up-and-go, gumption, energy, enterprise, punch, resourcefulness, originality, ambition, enthusiasm, inventiveness, moxie, steam, dynamism
Words nearby Initiative
initialize, initiate, initiating agent, initiation, initiation factor, initiative, initiator, initiatory, initis, inject, inject.
Origin of Initiative
First recorded in 1785–95; initiate + -ive
Other words from Initiative
in·i·ti·a·tive·ly , adverb
self-in·i·ti·a·tive , noun
su·per·in·i·ti·a·tive , noun
un·in·i·ti·a·tive , adjective
Synonyms for Initiative
action, drive, leadership, push, ambition, dynamism, energy, enterprise, enthusiasm, get-up-and-go, gumption, inventiveness, moxie, originality, punch, resource, resourcefulness, spunk, steam, vigor