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Showing words for INJUNCTION using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Injunction
9 Letter Words for Injunction
8 Letter Words for Injunction
7 Letter Words for Injunction
6 Letter Words for Injunction
5 Letter Words for Injunction
4 Letter Words for Injunction
3 Letter Words for Injunction
Definitions for Injunction
[1] Law . a judicial process or order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a particular act.
[2] an act or instance of enjoining.
[3] a command; order; admonition: the injunctions of the Lord.
[4] law an instruction or order issued by a court to a party to an action, esp to refrain from some act, such as causing a nuisance
[5] a command, admonition, etc
[6] the act of enjoining
Words related to Injunction
embargo, instruction, admonition, prohibition, writ, ruling, mandate, ban, word, dictate, exhortation, precept, behest, charge, command, bidding, demand, bar, order, enjoinder
Words nearby Injunction
injector, injera, injudicious, injun, injunct, injunction, injure, injurious, injury, injury list, injury time
Origin of Injunction
1520–30; < Late Latin injunctiōn- (stem of injunctiō ), equivalent to Latin injunct(us ) (past participle of injungere to join to; see enjoin) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Injunction
in·junc·tive , adjective
in·junc·tive·ly , adverb
Word origin for Injunction
C16: from Late Latin injunctiō, from Latin injungere to enjoin
Synonyms for Injunction
admonition, ban, embargo, instruction, mandate, prohibition, ruling, writ, bar, behest, bidding, charge, command, demand, dictate, exhortation, order, precept, word, enjoinder