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Showing words for INLAND using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Inland
5 Letter Words for Inland
4 Letter Words for Inland
3 Letter Words for Inland
Definitions for Inland
[1] pertaining to or situated in the interior part of a country or region: inland cities.
[2] British . domestic or internal: inland revenue.
[3] in or toward the interior of a country.
[4] the interior part of a country.
[5] of, concerning, or located in the interior of a country or region away from a sea or border
[6] mainly British operating within a country or region; domestic; not foreign
[7] the interior of a country or region
[8] towards or into the interior of a country or region
Words related to Inland
boondocks, central, hinterland, inward, provincial, heartland, midland, upcountry
Words nearby Inland
inky cap, inky smudge, inla, inlace, inlaid, inland, inland bill, inland empire, inland marine insurance, inland revenue, inland sea
Origin of Inland
before 950; Middle English, Old English; see in-1, land
Synonyms for Inland
back-country, backland, boondocks, central, heartland, hinterland, inward, midland, provincial, upcountry