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Showing words for INSECURE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Insecure

insecure, sinecure

7 Letter Words for Insecure

censure, ceresin, curnies, ecuries, esurine, incurse, insuree, scriene, sincere

6 Letter Words for Insecure

censer, cereus, cerine, cerise, cernes, ceruse, cesure, crines, cruise, crusie, curies, curine, curnie, cursen, ecurie, ensuer, ensure, erucin, eserin, incurs, incuse, inseer, insure, inures, nereis, nereus, neuric, nieces, recuse, renies, rescue, rusine, scerne, screen, scrine, secern, secure, seiner, seiren, serein, serine, sirene, unsere, urines, ursine

5 Letter Words for Insecure

cense, ceres, cerin, cerne, cines, cires, creen, cries, crine, crise, crius, crues, cruse, cunei, cures, curie, curin, curns, curse, cursi, cusie, ecrus, ensue, erics, ernes, eucre, icers, incur, incus, insee, insue, inure, irene, isere, nicer, niece, nurse, reens, reice, reins, resin, resue, resun, reune, reuse, rices, rines, rinse, risen, ruins, runes, runic, scene, scree, scrin, secre, seine, sence, seric, serin, sicer, sieur, since, siren, sneer, sucre, suine, unces, unice, unsee, ureic, urine, usine, usnic

4 Letter Words for Insecure

cees, cene, cens, cere, cern, cine, cire, cres, crin, cris, crue, crus, cues, cuir, cure, curn, curs, ecru, ecus, eine, eire, enes, ense, eres, eric, erie, erin, eris, erne, erns, erse, eruc, esne, eure, icer, ices, incr, ires, iure, neer, nese, nice, nies, nsec, nurs, recs, reen, rees, rein, rice, ries, rine, rins, risc, rise, rucs, ruen, rues, ruin, rune, runs, ruse, scun, scur, seen, seer, seir, sene, sere, sice, sien, sier, sine, sire, snee, snur, suci, suer, sune, suni, sure, unce, unci, uncs, unie, unis, ures, uric, urns, usee, user

3 Letter Words for Insecure

cee, cen, cer, cie, cir, cis, cns, crs, cru, csi, cue, cun, cur, ecu, eec, een, eer, eir, enc, ene, ens, ere, ern, ers, esc, ese, esr, esu, ice, inc, ins, ire, irs, ise, isn, nee, nei, nie, nis, nur, nus, rec, ree, rei, res, rie, rin, ruc, rue, run, sci, scr, sec, see, sei, sen, ser, sic, sie, sin, sir, sri, sue, sui, sun, sur, unc, uni, uns, ure, urn, urs, use

Definitions for Insecure

[1] subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person.
[2] not confident or certain; uneasy; anxious: He was insecure about the examination.
[3] not secure; exposed or liable to risk, loss, or danger: an insecure stock portfolio.
[4] not firmly or reliably placed or fastened: an insecure ladder.
[5] anxious or afraid; not confident or certain
[6] not adequately protected an insecure fortress
[7] unstable or shaky

Words related to Insecure

afraid, unsure, hesitant, touchy, shaky, apprehensive, anxious, uptight, troubled, unstable, wobbly, frail, unreliable, immature, vulnerable, unsafe, diffident, jumpy, questioning, vague

Words nearby Insecure

insectivora, insectivore, insectivorous, insectivorous bat, insectology, insecure, insecurity, inselberg, inseminate, insemination, inseminator

Origin of Insecure

From the Medieval Latin word insēcūrus, dating back to 1640–50. See in-3, secure

Other words from Insecure

in·se·cure·ly , adverb
in·se·cure·ness , noun
in′se•cu′ ri•ty (-kyur′ ĭ-tē ) n.

Synonyms for Insecure

afraid, anxious, apprehensive, hesitant, shaky, touchy, troubled, unsure, uptight, Delphic, choked, diffident, hanging by thread, jumpy, on thin ice, questioning, touch and go, unassured, unconfident, unpoised, up in the air, vague