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Showing words for INSTALL using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Install
6 Letter Words for Install
5 Letter Words for Install
4 Letter Words for Install
3 Letter Words for Install
Definitions for Install
[1] to place in position or connect for service or use: to install a heating system; to install software on a computer.
[2] to establish in an office, position, or place: to install oneself in new quarters.
[3] to induct into an office or the like with ceremonies or formalities.
[4] to place (machinery, equipment, etc) in position and connect and adjust for use
[5] to transfer (computer software) from a distribution file to a permanent location on disk, and prepare it for its particular environment and application
[6] to put in a position, rank, etc
[7] to settle (a person, esp oneself) in a position or state she installed herself in an armchair
Words related to Install
plant, institute, invest, fix, introduce, station, place, lay, inaugurate, lodge, settle, ensconce, position, line, furnish, induct, instate
Words nearby Install
instability, instability line, instable, instagram, instal, install, installant, installation, installation art, installment, installment buying
Origin of Install
First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English word from Medieval Latin word installāre. See in-2, stall1
Words that may be confused with Install
Other words from Install
in·stall·er , noun
pre·in·stall , verb (used with object)
re·in·stall , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Install
C16: from Medieval Latin installāre, from in- ² + stallum stall 1
Synonyms for Install
build in, fix, inaugurate, institute, introduce, invest, lay, place, plant, put in, station, ensconce, furnish, induct, line, lodge, position, settle, fix up, instate