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Showing words for INTERIM using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Interim
6 Letter Words for Interim
5 Letter Words for Interim
4 Letter Words for Interim
3 Letter Words for Interim
Definitions for Interim
[1] an intervening time; interval; meantime: School doesn't start till September, but he's taking a Spanish class in the interim.
[2] a temporary or provisional arrangement; stopgap; makeshift: As an interim, her summer job was pretty good.
[3] (initial capital letter ) Church History . any of three provisional arrangements for the settlement of religious differences between German Protestants and Roman Catholics during the Reformation.
[4] for, during, belonging to, or connected with an intervening period of time; temporary; provisional: an interim order; an interim job.
[5] meanwhile.
[6] in the meantime.
[7] (prenominal) temporary, provisional, or intervening interim measures to deal with the emergency
[8] the interim the intervening time; the meantime (esp in the phrase in the interim )
[9] rare meantime
[10] any of three provisional arrangements made during the Reformation by the German emperor and Diet to regulate religious differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants
[11] for the meantime; for the present ad interim measures Abbreviation: ad int
Words related to Interim
provisional, meantime, caretaker, acting, stopgap, makeshift, interruption, lacuna, pause, letup, meanwhile, hiatus, breather, break, gap, layoff, time, time-out, breach, downtime
Words nearby Interim
intergranular, intergroup, intergrowth, interhemispheric, interictal, interim, interim denture, interim standard atmosphere, interinsurance, interionic, interior
Origin of Interim
ad interim< Latin: literally, for the time between
Word origin for Interim
ad interimLatin
Synonyms for Interim
provisional, acting, caretaker, makeshift, stopgap, ad interim, improvised, intervening, pro tem, pro tempore, thrown-together