12 Letter Words for Interjection
11 Letter Words for Interjection
10 Letter Words for Interjection
9 Letter Words for Interjection
eirenicon, encrinite, incretion, injection, interject, interjoin, internect, intertone, introject, necronite, neoteinic, orientite, rejection, retention, tenoretic, tretinoin, tricotine
8 Letter Words for Interjection
citronin, contrite, corneine, cornette, cornetti, cotinine, cretonne, ejection, ejicient, enjoiner, erection, erionite, erotetic, ettirone, icterine, incenter, incentor, inertion, injector, internet, intertie, intrince, irenicon, neotenic, neoteric, nicotine, nocerite, reenjoin, reincite, reinject, renitent, renotice, reticent, retinite, rinneite, tenorite, tetronic, tinction, tontiner, trecento, trentine, tricotee
7 Letter Words for Interjection
centner, cerotin, cinerin, citrene, citrine, cittern, cointer, coneine, coniine, content, corinne, cornein, cornett, cortine, coterie, cotrine, cottier, cretion, crinion, crinite, crottin, ecteron, eirenic, ejector, enceint, enteric, enteron, enticer, entoire, entonic, entotic, erinite, erinnic, inciter, inconie, injoint, intinct, intoner, intrine, introit, ironice, jecorin, jennier, jettier, jointer, nectron, neritic, neritjc, nettier, nicotin, niterie, nitrite, nittier, nonette, nonetti, noritic, noticer, oneiric, rection, rejoice, retinic, tenoner, tentier, tention, tercine, ternion, tiercet, tineine, tinnier, tintier, tonetic, tontine, trenton, tritone
6 Letter Words for Interjection
ceinte, cenote, center, centon, centro, cerine, cerite, cerote, certie, cinene, cinter, citrin, citron, coiner, coneen, conine, conite, conjee, conner, connie, conter, contin, coriin, cornet, cornin, cortin, coteen, cotter, cretin, crinet, cronet, cronie, crotin, ctenii, encore, enjoin, ennoic, enoint, entice, entier, entire, entone, entrec, erotic, incent, incite, inctri, inject, injoin, intent, interj, intern, intice, intine, intire, intone, intort, intron, irenic, ironic, jennet, jennie, jernie, jetter, jetton, jinete, jitter, joiner, jotter, necton, nerine, nerite, netter, nicene, nitent, nitric, nitter, nocent, noetic, norice, norite, notice, octene, octine, oniric, orcein, orcine, oretic, orient, otitic, recent, recite, recoin, reject, rejoin, rennet, renone, retent, retine, retint, ricine, rincon, roncet, rotten, tenent, tenner, tenore, tenrec, tenter, tentie, tentor, tercet, tercio, tertii, tertio, terton, tetric, ticino, tiento, tierce, tinier, tinner, tinnet, tinnie, tinter, tintie, titien, toeier, tonier, tonite, tonner, torten, tortie, tricon, tricot, triene, trijet, triton
5 Letter Words for Interjection
ceint, centi, cento, cerin, cerne, cetin, cirio, citee, citer, coner, conin, conne, conte, contr, corni, cotte, creen, crete, crine, crone, ctene, eject, enent, enorn, enter, entre, entte, erect, ettin, iceni, icier, incor, inert, inion, inner, innet, innit, inone, inter, intro, ionic, iortn, irene, irone, jeton, jinni, jitro, joint, joree, necro, neter, nicer, niece, niner, niter, niton, nitro, noint, noire, nonce, nonet, nonic, norie, norit, noter, octet, oenin, oncer, oncet, oncin, ontic, orcin, ortet, otter, recit, recon, recti, recto, reice, rejon, renet, renin, renne, rente, retie, retin, ricin, ronin, ronne, ronte, rotte, tecon, tejon, tenet, tenio, tenne, tenno, tenon, tenor, terce, terne, tetri, ticer, tinct, titer, toner, tonic, tonne, toret, toric, torii, torte, toter, treen, trice, trine, trite, troic, tronc, trone
4 Letter Words for Interjection
cene, cent, cere, cern, cero, cert, cete, ceti, cine, cion, cire, cite, cito, coin, coir, coit, cone, coni, conj, conn, cont, core, corn, cort, cote, cott, crin, crit, econ, ecto, eine, eire, ento, entr, eric, erie, erin, erne, eten, etic, eton, icer, icon, incr, init, inne, inro, inti, into, intr, iron, iter, jctn, jeer, jeon, jere, jert, jete, jinn, jiti, joie, join, neer, neet, nein, nene, neon, nete, neti, nice, nine, nito, noir, none, nore, nori, norn, note, nott, oeci, oint, once, oner, otic, rect, reen, reet, rein, reit, renn, reno, rent, rete, rice, rine, riot, rite, ritt, roin, roit, roji, rone, ront, rotc, rote, roti, teen, teer, teet, tene, tent, tern, tete, tice, tien, tier, tinc, tine, tint, tire, tite, titi, toit, tone, tonn, torc, tore, tori, torn, tort, tote, tree, tret, trie, trin, trio, trit, tron, trot
3 Letter Words for Interjection
cee, cen, ceo, cer, cie, cir, cit, con, cor, cot, cro, crt, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, eco, ect, eec, een, eer, eir, enc, ene, eon, ere, ern, ert, etc, ice, inc, inn, int, ion, ire, jct, jee, jen, jer, jet, jin, jnr, jnt, joe, jor, jot, nco, nee, nei, neo, net, nie, nit, nne, non, nor, not, oct, oer, oie, oii, one, oni, ont, orc, ore, ort, otc, rct, rec, ree, rei, rie, rin, rio, rit, roc, roe, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, tec, tee, ten, ter, tet, tic, tie, tin, tit, tji, tnt, toc, toe, toi, ton, tor, tot, tri, trt
Definitions for Interjection
[1] the act of interjecting.
[2] something interjected, as a remark.
[3] the utterance of a word or phrase expressive of emotion; the uttering of an exclamation.
[4] Grammar . any member of a class of words expressing emotion, distinguished in most languages by their use in grammatical isolation, as Hey! Oh! Ouch! Ugh! any other word or expression so used, as Good grief! Indeed!
[5] a word or remark expressing emotion; exclamation
[6] the act of interjecting
[7] a word or phrase that is characteristically used in syntactic isolation and that usually expresses sudden emotion; expletive Abbreviation: interj.
Words related to Interjection
exclamation, wow, amen, hello, alas, boo, hurrah, ahem, oh, whoopee, hooray, shucks, er, ouch, rah, ah, egad, golly, hey, huh
Words nearby Interjection
interiorize, interisland, interj., interjacent, interject, interjection, interjectionalize, interjectory, interjoin, interjoist, interkinesis
Origin of Interjection
1400–50; late Middle English interjeccio(u)n < Latin interjectiōn- (stem of interjectiō ). See interject, -ion
Other words from Interjection
in·ter·jec·tion·al , in·ter·jec·tur·al [in-ter-jek -cher-uh l] /ˌɪn tərˈdʒɛk tʃər əl/ , adjective
in·ter·jec·tion·al·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Interjection
ahem, alas, amen, boo, er, exclamation, hello, hooray, hurrah, oh, shucks, whoopee, wow, ah, egad, golly, hey, huh, jeepers, oops, ouch, phew, phooey, pooh, psst, rah, ugh, um