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Showing words for INTERMIX using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Intermix
7 Letter Words for Intermix
6 Letter Words for Intermix
5 Letter Words for Intermix
4 Letter Words for Intermix
3 Letter Words for Intermix
Definitions for Intermix
[1] to mix together; intermingle.
[2] (tr) to mix (ingredients, liquids, etc) together
[3] (intr) to become or have the capacity to become combined, joined, etc
Words related to Intermix
incorporate, mingle, amalgamate, synthesize, jumble, braid, transfuse, instill, intermingle, suffuse, knead, cross, unite, commingle, coalesce, infuse, stir, associate, tangle, conjoin
Words nearby Intermix
intermittent fever, intermittent mandatory ventilation, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intermittent positive pressure ventilation, intermittent tetanus, intermix, intermixture, intermodal, intermodillion, intermodulation, intermolecular
Origin of Intermix
1555–65; back formation from intermixt (now intermixed past participle) < Latin intermixtus past participle of intermiscēre to mingle together. See inter-, mix
Other words from Intermix
in·ter·mix·a·ble , adjective
in·ter·mix·ed·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Intermix
admix, adulterate, alloy, amalgamate, associate, blend, braid, coalesce, commingle, commix, compound, conjoin, cross, embody, fuse, hybridize, incorporate, infiltrate, infuse, instill, interbreed, intermingle, interweave, jumble, knead, link, lump, merge, mingle, saturate, stir, suffuse, synthesize, tangle, transfuse, unite, weave, make up, mix up, put together, work in