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Showing words for INTESTACY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Intestacy
8 Letter Words for Intestacy
cantiest, cyanites, entastic, nictates, sanctity, sancyite, scantity, tenacity, tetanics
7 Letter Words for Intestacy
acetins, caniest, cantest, casinet, catties, cineast, cyanite, cystein, cystine, etacist, insecta, instate, nictate, satient, satiety, satinet, statice, steatin, synetic, tanties, tensity, testacy, tetanic, tietacs
6 Letter Words for Intestacy
acetin, actine, actins, anetic, antics, ascent, ascite, aseity, astint, astite, attice, attics, ayenst, casein, casten, cattie, centai, centas, cistae, cystin, cytase, enacts, enatic, encist, encyst, eniacs, entity, ettins, incast, incest, insect, intact, nastic, nicest, nicety, sainte, sanity, satine, satiny, sattie, scanty, scatty, sceatt, scient, secant, seitan, sitten, stacte, stance, static, statin, stayne, stenia, stinty, sycite, tainte, taints, tanist, tansey, tantie, tasten, taties, tenacy, tenias, tetany, tienta, tietac, tincts, tineas, tinety, tinsey, tisane, titans, tystie, yentas
5 Letter Words for Intestacy
acies, acnes, actin, anise, antes, antic, antis, antsy, async, attic, ayens, ayins, cains, canes, canis, canst, cants, canty, caste, cates, catty, ceint, centi, cents, cesta, cesti, cetin, cines, cista, cites, csnet, cyans, cytes, enact, encia, eniac, entia, entsi, entsy, etnas, ettin, inact, incas, insea, inset, nasty, nates, natty, neats, necia, neist, nesty, netty, nitta, nitty, saice, saine, saint, sanct, sanit, santy, satin, sayne, scant, scatt, sceat, scena, scent, scian, seity, senit, senti, siena, sient, since, sitta, snite, stain, stane, state, stean, stein, stent, stine, stint, stite, styan, styca, styte, taces, tacet, tacit, tacts, tains, taint, taise, taits, tansy, tanti, taste, tasty, tates, tatie, tatin, teasy, teats, teaty, tecta, tenai, tenia, tents, tenty, testa, testy, tices, tiens, tinca, tinct, tinea, tines, tinsy, tinta, tints, tinty, titan, tsine, tynes, tyste, yates, yeans, yeast, yeats, yenta, yetis, yetts, yince, yinst, yites
4 Letter Words for Intestacy
aces, acne, acts, aine, ains, aint, aits, ance, anes, anet, anis, ansi, ante, anti, ants, asci, asin, ates, atis, atte, attn, atty, ayen, ayes, ayin, ayne, cain, cane, cans, cant, cany, case, cast, cate, cats, cays, ceas, cens, cent, cest, ceti, cine, cist, cite, cits, city, cyan, cyst, cyte, eans, east, easy, eats, ency, esca, etas, etat, etic, etna, eyas, ices, inca, inst, inta, isnt, itas, itsy, nace, nais, nasi, nast, nats, nays, neat, nest, neti, nets, nice, nies, nist, nits, nsec, nyas, nyes, nyet, saic, sain, sane, sant, sate, sati, scan, scat, scet, scye, scyt, sean, seat, sect, secy, seit, sena, sent, seta, sett, sian, sice, sien, sina, sine, sita, site, snit, snye, stat, stay, sten, stet, stey, stie, syce, syen, sync, syne, tace, tact, taen, tain, tais, tait, tane, tans, tate, tats, tays, tean, teas, teat, teca, tens, tent, test, tets, tice, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tint, tiny, tite, tits, tsia, tyes, tyin, tyne, tyte, yate, yati, ycie, yean, yeas, yeat, yeni, yens, yest, yeta, yeti, yett, yins, yite
3 Letter Words for Intestacy
ace, act, acy, aes, ain, ais, ait, anc, ane, ans, ant, any, ase, ast, ate, att, aye, ays, cai, can, cat, cay, cen, cia, cie, cis, cit, cns, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cts, ean, eas, eat, ect, enc, ens, esc, est, eta, etc, ety, eyn, ice, icy, inc, ins, int, ise, isn, ist, ita, its, nae, nas, nat, nay, nea, nei, net, nie, nis, nit, nye, nys, sac, sai, san, sat, say, sci, sct, sea, sec, sei, sen, set, sey, sic, sie, sin, sit, sny, sta, sty, sye, syn, tai, tan, tas, tat, tay, tea, tec, ten, tes, tet, tic, tie, tin, tis, tit, tnt, tsi, tst, tty, tye, tyt, yan, yas, yat, yea, yen, yes, yet, yin, yis
Definitions for Intestacy
[1] the state or fact of being intestate at death.
Words nearby Intestacy
interweave, interweb, interwind, interwork, intestable, intestacy, intestate, intestinal, intestinal amebiasis, intestinal anastomosis, intestinal angina
Origin of Intestacy
First recorded in 1760–70; intest(ate) + -acy