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Showing words for INTOXICATIVE using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Intoxicative


10 Letter Words for Intoxicative

excitation, incitative, intoxicate

9 Letter Words for Intoxicative

antitoxic, evitation, invitiate, noviciate, novitiate, vitiation

8 Letter Words for Intoxicative

antivice, caviteno, citation, conative, eviction, exaction, excitant, inactive, incitate, incitive, initiate, invocate, notative, notitiae, taconite, toxicant, toxicate, vaticine, vexation, vineatic, viticeta

7 Letter Words for Intoxicative

acetoin, aconite, activin, antoeci, attonce, avionic, axinite, caitive, catvine, cavetti, cavetto, centavo, cetonia, context, convite, entotic, exciton, exition, exotica, extatic, extinct, inexact, initive, invoice, naivite, nicotia, nictate, notitia, oncetta, taction, tactive, taxitic, tectona, tetanic, titanic, tonetic, vection, venatic, viciate, vicoite, vinetta, vitiate

6 Letter Words for Intoxicative

acetin, acoine, actine, action, active, aeonic, aition, anetic, anoxic, atonic, atoxic, attice, attone, avitic, avocet, axenic, axonic, caoine, cation, cativo, cattie, caxton, centai, cevian, civite, coatie, conite, contex, convex, covent, covine, covite, coxite, ctenii, enatic, exonic, exotic, extant, incave, incavi, incavo, incite, initio, intact, intext, intice, invect, invict, invite, ionate, native, navite, nocive, noetic, notate, notice, novate, novice, octane, octant, octave, octine, otiant, otitic, ottave, ovinia, oxanic, oxtant, tainte, tantie, taxine, taxite, texaco, ticino, tienta, tiento, tietac, tintie, titano, titian, titien, tonite, toxine, viatic, vicine, viocin, vitita, vittae, vocate

5 Letter Words for Intoxicative

acini, acoin, acone, actin, acton, ainoi, antic, atone, attic, avine, avion, axine, axion, axite, axone, canoe, canto, cavie, cavin, caxon, ceint, centi, cento, cetin, civet, coate, coati, conia, conta, conte, cotan, cotta, cotte, coven, covet, covin, coxae, enact, encia, eniac, entia, envoi, ettin, evict, exact, exion, iceni, iconv, inact, ionia, ionic, ixion, naevi, naive, navet, necia, nevat, niota, nitta, nixie, novae, oaten, ocean, octan, octet, oncet, oncia, ontic, otate, ovant, ovate, ovine, oxane, tacet, tacit, taino, taint, tanti, tanto, tatie, tatin, taxin, taxon, tecon, tecta, tenai, tenia, tenio, texan, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, tonic, tovet, toxic, toxin, vatic, venta, vicia, vinca, vinci, vinea, vinet, vinic, vinta, vitae, vitex, vitta, vixen, vocat, voice, xenia, xenic, xviii

4 Letter Words for Intoxicative

acne, aine, aint, aion, ance, anet, ante, anti, atoc, atte, attn, avie, axin, axon, cain, cane, cant, caon, cate, cave, cent, ceti, ciao, cine, cion, cite, cito, cive, coat, coax, coin, coit, cone, coni, cont, conv, cote, cott, cove, coxa, econ, ecto, ento, eoan, etat, etic, etna, eton, exit, exon, exta, icao, icon, inca, inia, init, inta, inti, into, invt, iota, itai, ivin, ixia, nace, naio, naoi, nato, nave, navi, neat, neti, nevi, nevo, next, nice, nito, nixe, noex, noix, nota, note, nott, nova, noxa, octa, oeci, oint, onca, once, otic, otxi, oven, oxan, oxea, oxen, tace, taco, tact, taen, tain, tait, tane, tate, tave, taxi, tean, teat, teca, tent, text, tiao, tice, tien, tinc, tine, tint, tite, titi, toat, toea, toit, tone, tote, toxa, vain, vane, vant, vein, vena, vent, veta, veto, vext, vica, vice, viii, vina, vine, vino, vint, vita, vite, voce, voet, vota, vote, xian, xiii, xint, xvii

3 Letter Words for Intoxicative

ace, act, ain, ait, aix, anc, ane, ant, ate, att, ave, avn, avo, cai, can, cat, cav, cen, ceo, cia, cie, cit, civ, con, cot, cox, cte, ctn, cto, cva, ean, eat, eco, ect, enc, env, eon, eta, etc, exc, ext, iao, ice, iii, inc, int, inv, ion, ita, iva, ive, nae, nat, nav, nco, nea, nei, neo, net, nie, nit, nix, noa, not, nov, nox, oat, oca, oct, oie, oii, ona, one, oni, ont, otc, ova, tai, tan, tao, tat, tav, tax, tea, tec, ten, tet, tex, tic, tie, tin, tit, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, ton, tot, tov, tox, txt, vac, vae, van, vat, vax, vei, vet, vex, via, vic, vie, vii, vin, voc, voe, von, vox, xat, xii, xiv, xvi

Definitions for Intoxicative

[1] of or relating to intoxicants or intoxication.
[2] intoxicating.

Words related to Intoxicative

alcoholic, spirituous, strong, distilled, fermented, inebriant, vinous

Words nearby Intoxicative

intoxicant, intoxicate, intoxicated, intoxicating, intoxication, intoxicative, intr, intr., intra muros, intra vires, intra vitam

Origin of Intoxicative

First recorded in 1625–35; intoxicate + -ive

Other words from Intoxicative

non·in·tox·i·ca·tive , adjective

Synonyms for Intoxicative

alcoholic, brewed, distilled, fermented, inebriant, inebriating, spirituous, sprituous, strong, vinous