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Showing words for INUNCTION using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Inunction


7 Letter Words for Inunction

inconnu, nicotin, tunicin, unction, unionic, unition

6 Letter Words for Inunction

contin, inunct, nuncio, ticino, uncini, uncoin

5 Letter Words for Inunction

conin, connu, count, cunit, cunni, cutin, incut, inion, innit, inuit, ionic, ninon, nintu, ninut, niton, noint, nonic, nucin, nunni, oncin, ontic, tonic, tunic, uninn, union, untin

4 Letter Words for Inunction

cion, cito, coin, coit, coni, conn, cont, cuit, cunt, cuon, icon, init, inti, into, nito, noun, nout, nunc, oint, otic, tinc, tonn, toun, tuno, unci, unco, unct, unio, unit, unto

3 Letter Words for Inunction

cit, con, cot, ctn, cto, cun, cut, inc, inn, int, ion, iou, nco, nit, non, not, nun, nut, oct, oii, oni, ont, otc, oui, out, tic, tin, tiu, toc, toi, ton, tou, tui, tun, uit, unc, uni, unn, utc, uti

Definitions for Inunction

[1] the act of anointing.
[2] Medicine/Medical . the rubbing in of an oil or ointment.
[3] Pharmacology . an unguent.
[4] the application of an ointment to the skin, esp by rubbing
[5] the ointment so used
[6] the act of anointing; anointment

Words nearby Inunction

inukshuk, inuktitut, inulase, inulin, inulin clearance, inunction, inundant, inundate, inupiaq, inupik, inurbane

Origin of Inunction

1595–1605; < Latin inunction- (stem of inunctiō ), equivalent to inunct(us ) (past participle of inunguere to anoint) + -iōn- -ion. See in-2, unction

Word origin for Inunction

C15: from Latin inunguere to anoint, from unguere; see unction