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Showing words for INVENT using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Invent

invent, ventin

5 Letter Words for Invent

innet, venin, vinet

4 Letter Words for Invent

inne, invt, nein, neti, nevi, nine, tien, tine, vein, vent, vine, vint, vite

3 Letter Words for Invent

env, inn, int, inv, ive, nei, net, nie, nit, nne, ten, tie, tin, vei, vet, vie, vin

Definitions for Invent

[1] to originate or create as a product of one's own ingenuity, experimentation, or contrivance: to invent the telegraph.
[2] to produce or create with the imagination: to invent a story.
[3] to make up or fabricate (something fictitious or false): to invent excuses.
[4] Archaic . to come upon; find.
[5] to create or devise (new ideas, machines, etc)
[6] to make up (falsehoods); fabricate

Words related to Invent

fashion, envision, formulate, devise, conceive, originate, discover, bear, initiate, produce, design, forge, find, concoct, fake, improvise, execute, compose, form, author

Words nearby Invent

invected, invective, inveigh, inveigle, invenit, invent, invent the wheel, invention, inventive, inventor, inventory

Origin of Invent

1425–75; late Middle English invented (past participle) found, discovered (see -ed2) < Latin inventus, past participle of invenīre to encounter, come upon, find, equivalent to in- in-2 + ven(īre ) to come + -tus past participle suffix

Other words from Invent

in·vent·i·ble , in·vent·a·ble , adjective
out·in·vent , verb (used with object)
pre·in·vent , verb (used with object)
self-in·vent·ed , adjective
un·in·vent·ed , adjective
well-in·vent·ed , adjective

Word origin for Invent

C15: from Latin invenīre to find, come upon, from in- ² + venīre to come

Synonyms for Invent

bear, come up with, conceive, design, devise, discover, dream up, envision, fashion, find, forge, formulate, initiate, originate, produce, ad-lib, author, coin, compose, contrive, execute, fake, form, frame, hatch, imagine, improve, improvise, inaugurate, jam, make, mint, plan, project, wing, bring into being, come upon, cook up, knock off, make up, off-the-cuff, toss off, turn out