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Showing words for INVESTOR using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Investor
7 Letter Words for Investor
6 Letter Words for Investor
5 Letter Words for Investor
4 Letter Words for Investor
3 Letter Words for Investor
Definitions for Investor
[1] to put (money) to use, by purchase or expenditure, in something offering potential profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value.
[2] to use (money), as in accumulating something: to invest large sums in books.
[3] to use, give, or devote (time, talent, etc.), as for a purpose or to achieve something: He invested a lot of time in helping retarded children.
[4] to furnish with power, authority, rank, etc.: The Constitution invests the president with the power of veto.
[5] to furnish or endow with a power, right, etc.; vest: Feudalism invested the lords with absolute authority over their vassals.
[6] to endow with a quality or characteristic: to invest a friend with every virtue.
[7] to infuse or belong to, as a quality or characteristic: Goodness invests his every action.
[8] Metallurgy . to surround (a pattern) with an investment.
[9] to provide with the insignia of office.
[10] to install in an office or position.
[11] to clothe, attire, or dress.
[12] to cover, adorn, or envelop: Spring invests the trees with leaves.
[13] to surround (a place) with military forces or works so as to prevent approach or escape; besiege.
[14] to invest money; make an investment: to invest in oil stock.
[15] (often foll by in) to lay out (money or capital in an enterprise, esp by purchasing shares) with the expectation of profit
[16] (tr often foll by in ) to devote (effort, resources, etc, to a project)
[17] (tr; often foll by in or with) mainly archaic to clothe or adorn (in some garment, esp the robes of an office) to invest a king in the insignia of an emperor
[18] (tr often foll by in ) to install formally or ceremoniously (in an official position, rank, etc)
[19] (tr; foll by in or with) to place (power, authority, etc, in) or provide (with power or authority) to invest new rights in the monarchy
[20] (tr; usually passive; foll by in or with) to provide or endow (a person with qualities, characteristics, etc) he was invested with great common sense
[21] (tr foll by with ) usually poetic to cover or adorn, as if with a coat or garment when spring invests the trees with leaves
[22] (tr) rare to surround with military forces; besiege
[23] (intr foll by in ) informal to purchase; buy
Words related to Investor
investlender, shareholder, banker, stockholder, backer, capitalist
Words nearby Investor
investinverted testis, inverter, invertible counterpoint, invertin, invertor, invest, investable, investigable, investigate, investigation, investigative new drug
Origin of Investor
1525–35; < Medieval Latin investīre to install, invest (money), surround, clothe in, Latin: to clothe in, equivalent to in- in-2 + vestīre to clothe, derivative of vestis garment; see vest
Words that may be confused with Investor
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, investinfect, infest, invest
Other words from Investor
in·ves·tor , noun
non·in·ves·tor , noun
o·ver·in·vest , verb
pre·in·vest , verb (used with object)
re·in·vest , verb (used with object)
un·der·in·vest , verb (used without object)
un·der·in·vest·ed , adjective
un·in·vest·ed , adjective
well-in·vest·ed , adjective
Word origin for Investor
C16: from Medieval Latin investīre to clothe, from Latin, from vestīre, from vestis a garment
Synonyms for Investor
banker, lender, shareholder, stockholder, venture capitalist, backer, capitalist