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Showing words for JAUNDICE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Jaundice


7 Letter Words for Jaundice


6 Letter Words for Jaundice

candie, cnidae, decani, eucain, induce, jaudie, jaunce, judaic, judice, juiced, jundie, unciae, uniced

5 Letter Words for Jaundice

acned, adieu, adunc, auden, cadie, cajun, caned, canid, cnida, cunea, cunei, daine, dance, danic, decan, diane, dujan, dunce, encia, endia, eniac, idcue, induc, juice, necia, nicad, nudie, uncia, unice

4 Letter Words for Jaundice

aced, acid, acne, aden, aide, aine, ainu, ance, aune, cade, cadi, caid, cain, cand, cane, cedi, ceja, cide, cine, cuda, cued, cund, dace, dain, dane, danu, daun, dean, deia, deja, deni, dian, dice, dine, djin, duan, duce, duci, dune, eadi, ecad, educ, euda, iced, idea, idun, inca, inde, jacu, jade, jain, jane, jaun, jean, jena, jina, juan, jude, junc, june, nace, naid, nice, nide, nied, nuda, nude, unai, unca, unce, unci, unda, unde, unie

3 Letter Words for Jaundice

ace, adc, ade, adj, aid, ain, anc, and, ane, anu, aud, cad, cai, can, cen, cia, cid, cie, cud, cue, cuj, cun, dae, dan, dau, dca, dea, dec, dei, den, dia, die, din, dna, duc, due, dui, dun, ead, ean, eau, ecu, enc, end, ice, ida, ide, inc, ind, iud, jad, jai, jan, jed, jen, jeu, jin, jnd, jud, jun, nad, nae, nea, ned, nei, nid, nie, uca, uji, una, unc, uni

Definitions for Jaundice

[1] Also called icterus. Pathology . yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, etc., due to an increase of bile pigments in the blood, often symptomatic of certain diseases, as hepatitis. Compare physiologic jaundice.
[2] grasserie.
[3] a state of feeling in which views are prejudiced or judgment is distorted, as by envy or resentment.
[4] to distort or prejudice, as by envy or resentment: His social position jaundiced his view of things.
[5] Also called: icterus yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes due to the abnormal presence of bile pigments in the blood, as in hepatitis
[6] a mental state of bitterness, jealousy, and ill humour resulting in distorted judgment
[7] to distort (the judgment, etc) adversely jealousy had jaundiced his mind
[8] to affect with or as if with jaundice

Words related to Jaundice

bent, tendency, mind-set, penchant, viewpoint, tilt, flash, propensity, inclination, intolerance, proclivity, favoritism, warp, unfairness, preconception, preference, disposition, standpoint, spin, predisposition

Words nearby Jaundice

jataka tales, jati, jato, jatropha, jauk, jaundice, jaundice of newborn, jaundiced, jaunt, jaunting car, jaunty

Origin of Jaundice

1275–1325; Middle English jaundis < Old French jaunisse, equivalent to jaune yellow (< Latin galbinus greenish-yellow) + -isse -ice

Word origin for Jaundice

C14: from Old French jaunisse, from jaune yellow, from Latin galbinus yellowish, from galbus

Synonyms for Jaundice

bent, bigotry, chauvinism, disposition, favoritism, flash, illiberality, inclination, intolerance, leaning, mind-set, penchant, preconception, predilection, predisposition, preference, prejudice, prepossess, prepossession, proclivity, proneness, propensity, spin, standpoint, tendency, tilt, turn, unfairness, viewpoint, warp, head-set, mind trip, narrowmindedness, one-sidedness