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Showing words for JERKY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Jerky
4 Letter Words for Jerky
3 Letter Words for Jerky
Definitions for Jerky
[1] characterized by jerks or sudden starts; spasmodic.
[2] Slang . silly; foolish; stupid; ridiculous.
[3] meat, especially beef, that has been cut in strips and preserved by drying in the sun; jerked meat.
[4] characterized by jerks; spasmodic
[5] another word for jerk 2 (def. 2)
Words related to Jerky
bumpy, bouncy, rough, shaking, fitful, jarring, shaky, spasmodic, tremulous, uncontrollable, twitchy, convulsive, jolting, lurching, paroxysmal
Words nearby Jerky
jerk off, jerk-off, jerkin, jerkinhead, jerkwater, jerky, jerky nystagmus, jerne, jeroboam, jerold, jerome
Origin of Jerky
21840–50, Americanism ; alteration of charqui
Other words from Jerky
jerk·i·ly , adverb
jerk·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Jerky
bouncy, bumpy, rough, shaking, twitching, convulsive, fitful, jarring, jolting, lurching, paroxysmal, shaky, spasmodic, tremulous, twitchy, uncontrollable