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Showing words for JILLION using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Jillion
5 Letter Words for Jillion
4 Letter Words for Jillion
3 Letter Words for Jillion
Definitions for Jillion
[1] an indefinitely vast number; zillion.
[2] of or noting such a quantity: a jillion problems.
[3] informal an extremely large number or amount jillions of pounds
Words related to Jillion
profusion, gathering, stockpile, scad, cluster, fullness, jumble, total, mint, bunch, mountain, congeries, lots, sum, trillion, much, hill, hoard, ream, agglomeration
Words nearby Jillion
jilbab, jilin, jill, jillaroo, jillet, jillion, jilolo, jilong, jilt, jim, jim crow
Origin of Jillion
First recorded in 1940–45; expressive formation based on million, billion, etc.
Other words from Jillion
jil·lionth , noun, adjective
Word origin for Jillion
C20: fanciful coinage based on million , billion , etc
Synonyms for Jillion
abundance, agglomeration, aggregation, assemblage, bank, batch, bulk, bunch, bundle, cargo, clump, cluster, collection, concentration, congeries, deposit, fullness, gathering, gobs, harvest, haul, hill, hoard, jumble, load, lot, lots, lump, mass, million, mint, mound, mountain, much, multiplicity, ocean, oodles, plenty, pot, profusion, quantity, ream, scad, stack, stock, stockpile, store, sum, thousand, ton, total, trillion, volume, whole, a lot, amassment, great deal