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Showing words for JUICED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Juiced
[1] intoxicated from alcohol; drunk: When arrested he was definitely juiced.
[2] the natural fluid, fluid content, or liquid part that can be extracted from a plant or one of its parts, especially of a fruit: orange juice.
[3] the liquid part or contents of plant or animal substance.
[4] the natural fluids of an animal body: gastric juices.
[5] essence, strength, or vitality: He's still full of the juice of life.
[6] any extracted liquid.
[7] Slang . electricity or electric power. gasoline, fuel oil, etc., used to run an engine.
[8] Slang . alcoholic liquor.
[9] Slang . money obtained by extortion. money loaned at excessive and usually illegal interest rates. the interest rate itself.
[10] Slang . influence in the right or convenient place, especially as exerted for selfish or illegal gain. gossip or scandal.
[11] to extract juice from.
[12] Slang . to drink alcohol heavily: to go out juicing on Saturday night.
[13] juice up , to add more power, energy, or speed to; accelerate. to make exciting or spectacular: They juiced up the movie by adding some battle scenes. to strengthen; increase the effectiveness of: to juice up the nation's economy.
[14] any liquid that occurs naturally in or is secreted by plant or animal tissue the juice of an orange ; digestive juices
[15] informal fuel for an engine, esp petrol electricity alcoholic drink
[16] vigour or vitality essence or fundamental nature
[17] stew in one's own juice See stew 1 (def. 10)
[18] to extract juice from (fruits or vegetables) in order to drink
Words related to Juiced
intoxicated, magnetic, electrical, stewed, glazed, lush, tipsy, stoned, urge, abet, rouse, arouse, inspire, motivate, exhort, agitate, inflame, encourage, trigger, prompt
Words nearby Juiced
jugum, jugurtha, juice, juice man, juice up, juiced, juicehead, juicer, juicy, juiz de fora, jujitsu
Origin of Juiced
1250–1300; Middle English ju(i)s < Old French jus < Latin jūs broth, soup, sauce, juice
Other words from Juiced
juice·less , adjective
Word origin for Juiced
C13: from Old French jus, from Latin
Synonyms for Juiced
bashed, blitzed, bombed, buzzed, crocked, drinking, flushed, flying, fried, gone, inebriated, lit, loaded, pissed, polluted, potted, sauced, sloshed, stewed, stoned, tanked, totaled, wasted, boozed up, dead drunk, dead to the world, drunk as a skunk, drunken, feeling good, feeling no pain, groggy, half in the bag, half-crocked, high, hooched up, liquored up, schnockered, seeing double, three sheets to the wind, tipsy, under the influence, under the table, woozy, zonked