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Showing words for JUMPY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Jumpy
4 Letter Words for Jumpy
3 Letter Words for Jumpy
Definitions for Jumpy
[1] subject to sudden, involuntary starts, especially from nervousness, fear, excitement, etc.
[2] characterized by sudden starts, jerks, or jumps: a jumpy narrative.
[3] nervous or apprehensive
[4] moving jerkily or fitfully
Words related to Jumpy
restless, frisky, fidgety, shaky, apprehensive, creepy, excitable, high-strung, jittery, skittish, spooked, agitated, antsy, anxious, excited, sensitive, tense, timorous, unrestful
Words nearby Jumpy
jumping-off place, jumping-off place or point, jumpmaster, jumprock, jumpsuit, jumpy, jun, jun., junagadh, junc., juncaceous
Origin of Jumpy
First recorded in 1865–70; jump + -y1
Other words from Jumpy
jump·i·ly , adverb
jump·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Jumpy
apprehensive, creepy, excitable, fidgety, frisky, high-strung, jittery, restless, shaky, skittish, spooked, agitated, antsy, anxious, excited, on edge, on pins and needles, sensitive, tense, timorous, unrestful