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Showing words for JUNGLE using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Jungle


5 Letter Words for Jungle


4 Letter Words for Jungle

engl, genl, genu, glen, glue, gneu, gule, gunj, gunl, june, jung, leng, luge, lune, lung

3 Letter Words for Jungle

eng, enl, gel, gen, gju, gnu, gue, gul, gun, jeg, jen, jeu, jug, jun, leg, leu, lue, lug, neg, nul, ule, ung, unl

Definitions for Jungle

[1] a wild land overgrown with dense vegetation, often nearly impenetrable, especially tropical vegetation or a tropical rain forest.
[2] a tract of such land.
[3] a wilderness of dense overgrowth; a piece of swampy, thickset forestland.
[4] any confused mass or agglomeration of objects; jumble: a jungle of wrecked automobiles.
[5] something that baffles or perplexes; maze: a jungle of legal double-talk.
[6] a scene of violence and struggle for survival: The neglected prison was a jungle for its inmates.
[7] a place or situation of ruthless competition: the advertising jungle.
[8] Slang . a hobo camp.
[9] a novel (1906) by Upton Sinclair.
[10] an equatorial forest area with luxuriant vegetation, often almost impenetrable
[11] any dense or tangled thicket or growth
[12] a place of intense competition or ruthless struggle for survival the concrete jungle
[13] a type of fast electronic dance music, originating in the early 1990s, which combines elements of techno and ragga
[14] US slang (esp in the Depression) a gathering place for the unemployed, etc

Words related to Jungle

wasteland, wood, forest, web, undergrowth, labyrinth, zoo, bush, maze, tangle, morass, chaparral, boscage

Words nearby Jungle

jung, carl, jungfrau, junggar pendi, junggrammatiker, jungian, jungle, jungle books, the, jungle bunny, jungle cock, jungle fever, jungle fowl

Origin of Jungle

1770–80; < Hindi jaṅgal < Pali, Prakrit jaṅgala rough, waterless place

Other words from Jungle

jun·gled , adjective
un·der·jun·gle , noun

Word origin for Jungle

C18: from Hindi jangal, from Sanskrit jāngala wilderness

Synonyms for Jungle

forest, wasteland, wood, bush, chaparral, labyrinth, maze, morass, tangle, undergrowth, web, zoo, boscage, primeval forest