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Showing words for KEYS using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Keys

esky, keys, kyes, skey, skye, syke, yesk

3 Letter Words for Keys

key, kye, sey, sky, sye, yes

Definitions for Keys

[1] a small metal instrument specially cut to fit into a lock and move its bolt.
[2] any of various devices resembling or functioning as a key: the key of a clock.
[3] key card.
[4] something that affords a means of access: the key to happiness.
[5] something that secures or controls entrance to a place: Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.
[6] something that affords a means of clarifying a problem.
[7] a book, pamphlet, or other text containing the solutions or translations of material given elsewhere, as testing exercises.
[8] a systematic explanation of abbreviations, symbols, etc., used in a dictionary, map, etc.: pronunciation key. Compare legend(def 4) .
[9] the system, method, pattern, etc., used to decode or decipher a cryptogram, as a code book, machine setting, or keyword.
[10] one of a set of marked parts, designated areas, or levers pressed in operating a typewriter, computer terminal, calculator, etc.
[11] a manually operated lever for opening and closing an electric circuit, used to produce signals in telegraphy.
[12] Music . (in a keyboard instrument) one of the levers that when depressed by the performer sets in motion the playing mechanism. (on a woodwind instrument) a metal lever that opens and closes a vent. the relationship perceived between all tones in a given unit of music and a single tone or a keynote; tonality. the principal tonality of a composition: a symphony in the key of C minor. the keynote or tonic of a scale.
[13] tone or pitch, as of voice: to speak in a high key.
[14] mood or characteristic style, as of expression or thought: He writes in a melancholy key.
[15] degree of intensity, as of feeling or action.
[16] a pin, bolt, wedge, or other piece inserted in a hole or space to lock or hold parts of a mechanism or structure together; a cotter.
[17] a small piece of steel fitting into matching slots of a hub of a wheel or the like and the shaft on which the wheel is mounted so that torque is transmitted from one to the other.
[18] a contrivance for grasping and turning a bolt, nut, etc.
[19] Computers . a field or group of characters within a record that identifies the record, establishing its position among sorted records, and/or provides information about its contents.
[20] (in a series of advertisements or announcements soliciting replies) a unique code inserted for each medium used, to determine the relative effectiveness of the media.
[21] Electricity . a device for opening and closing electrical contacts. a hand-operated switching device ordinarily formed of concealed spring contacts with an exposed handle or push button, capable of switching one or more parts of a circuit.
[22] Biology . a systematic tabular classification of the significant characteristics of the members of a group of organisms to facilitate identification and comparison.
[23] Masonry . a keystone.
[24] Architecture . (in a ribbed vault) a stone, as a boss, at the intersection of two or more ribs.
[25] Masonry , Carpentry . a wedge, as for tightening a joint or splitting a stone or timber.
[26] Carpentry . a small piece of wood set into a timber across the grain to prevent warping.
[27] Building Trades . any grooving or roughness applied to a surface to improve its bond with another surface.
[28] Basketball . keyhole(def 2) .
[29] Photography . the dominant tonal value of a picture, a high-key picture having light tonal values and minimal contrast and a low-key picture being generally dark with minimal contrast.
[30] Painting . the tonal value and intensity of a color or range of colors: Rembrandt's colors are characterized by their low key.
[31] Botany . a samara.
[32] (initial capital letter ) a member of the House of Keys.
[33] keys, spiritual authority.
[34] chief; major; important; essential; fundamental; pivotal: a key person in the company; key industries.
[35] to regulate or adjust (actions, thoughts, speech, etc.) to a particular state or activity; bring into conformity: to key one's speech to the intellectual level of the audience.
[36] Music . to regulate the key or pitch of.
[37] Painting . to paint (a picture) in a given key. to adjust the colors in (a painting) to a particular hue: He keyed the painting to brown.
[38] to fasten, secure, or adjust with a key, wedge, or the like, as parts of a mechanism.
[39] to provide with a key.
[40] (in the layout of newspapers, magazines, etc.) to identify, through signs or symbols, the positions of illustrations or pieces of copy in a dummy.
[41] to lock with or as if with a key.
[42] Masonry . to provide (an arch or vault) with a keystone.
[43] Computers . keyboard(def 4) .
[44] to use a key.
[45] Computers . keyboard(def 4) .
[46] key in , Computers . keyboard(def 4) .
[47] key on , Football . to watch the position and movements of an opponent in order to anticipate a play: The defensive backs keyed on the star receiver. Also key in on . to single out as of prime importance or interest; be intent on or obsessed with: a company that is keyed in on growth.
[48] key up , to bring to a particular degree of intensity of feeling, excitement, energy, nervousness, agitation, etc.: keyed up over the impending test. to raise (a piece of masonry) by the insertion of a wedge or wedges. to raise (the haunches of an arch) by the insertion of a voussoir.
[49] power of the keys , the authority of a pope in ecclesiastical matters, vested in him as successor of St. Peter.
[50] a reef or low island; cay.
[51] a kilogram of marijuana or a narcotic drug.
[52] Scot dialect a children's cry for truce or respite from the rules of a game
[53] a metal instrument, usually of a specifically contoured shape, that is made to fit a lock and, when rotated, operates the lock's mechanism
[54] any instrument that is rotated to operate a valve, clock winding mechanism, etc
[55] a small metal peg or wedge inserted into keyways
[56] any of a set of levers operating a typewriter, computer, etc
[57] any of the visible parts of the lever mechanism of a musical keyboard instrument that when depressed set in motion the action that causes the instrument to sound
[58] Also called: tonality any of the 24 major and minor diatonic scales considered as a corpus of notes upon which a piece of music draws for its tonal framework the main tonal centre in an extended composition a symphony in the key of F major the tonic of a major or minor scale See tuning key
[59] something that is crucial in providing an explanation or interpretation the key to adult behaviour lies in childhood
[60] a means of achieving a desired end the key to happiness
[61] a means of access or control Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean
[62] a list of explanations of symbols, codes, etc
[63] a text that explains or gives information about a work of literature, art, or music
[64] Also called: key move the correct initial move in the solution of a set problem
[65] biology a systematic list of taxonomic characteristics, used to identify animals or plants
[66] photog painting the dominant tonal value and colour intensity of a picture See also low-key (def. 3), high-key
[67] electrical engineering a hand-operated device for opening or closing a circuit or for switching circuits a hand-operated switch that is pressed to transmit coded signals, esp Morse code
[68] the grooving or scratching of a surface or the application of a rough coat of plaster, etc, to provide a bond for a subsequent finish
[69] pitch he spoke in a low key
[70] a characteristic mood or style a poem in a melancholic key
[71] level of intensity she worked herself up to a high key
[72] railways a wooden wedge placed between a rail and a chair to keep the rail firmly in place
[73] a wedge for tightening a joint or for splitting stone or timber
[74] short for keystone (def. 1)
[75] botany any dry winged fruit, esp that of the ash
[76] (modifier) photog determining the tonal value of a photograph flesh colour is an important key tone
[77] of great importance; crucial a key issue
[78] (foll by to) to harmonize (with) to key one's actions to the prevailing mood
[79] to adjust or fasten with a key or some similar device
[80] to provide with a key or keys
[81] to scratch the paintwork of (a car) with a key
[82] (often foll by up) to locate the position of (a piece of copy, artwork, etc) on a layout by the use of symbols
[83] (also intr) another word for keyboard (def. 3)
[84] to include a distinguishing device in (an advertisement, etc), so that responses to it can be identified
[85] to provide a keystone for (an arch)
[86] a variant spelling of cay
[87] John (Phillip ). born 1961, New Zealand politician; prime minister from 2008

Words related to Keys

keyblueprint, core, indicator, code, means, sign, clue, passport, ticket, password, guide, screw, skeleton, opener, latchkey, passkey, index, interpretation, lead, nexus

Words nearby Keys

keykeweenaw peninsula, kewl, kewpie, kewpie doll, kex, key, key card, key case, key club, key deer, key drive

Origin of Keys

31965–70, Americanism ; shortening and respelling of kilogram

Words that may be confused with Keys

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, keycay, key, quay

Word origin for Keys

Old English cǣg; related to Old Frisian kēi, Middle Low German keie spear

Synonyms for Keys

latchkey, opener, passkey, screw, skeleton