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Showing words for KINDLY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Kindly
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3 Letter Words for Kindly
Definitions for Kindly
[1] having, showing, or proceeding from a benevolent disposition or spirit; kindhearted: kindly people.
[2] gentle or mild, as rule or laws.
[3] pleasant, agreeable, or benign: kindly climate.
[4] favorable, as soil for crops.
[5] in a kind manner; with sympathetic or helpful kindness.
[6] cordially or heartily: We thank you kindly.
[7] obligingly; please: Would you kindly close the door?
[8] with liking; favorably: to take kindly to an idea.
[9] having a sympathetic or warm-hearted nature
[10] motivated by warm and sympathetic feelings a kindly act
[11] pleasant, mild, or agreeable a kindly climate
[12] archaic natural; normal
[13] in a considerate or humane way
[14] with tolerance or forbearance he kindly forgave my rudeness
[15] cordially; pleasantly he greeted us kindly
[16] please (often used to express impatience or formality) will you kindly behave yourself!
[17] archaic in accordance with nature; appropriately
[18] not take kindly to to react unfavourably towards
Words related to Kindly
sympathetic, genial, benevolent, polite, gentle, thoughtful, attentive, gracious, good-hearted, delicately, politely, helpfully, tenderly, sympathetically, generously, graciously, genially, affectionately, beneficial, benign
Words nearby Kindly
kindjal, kindle, kindless, kindliness, kindling, kindly, kindness, kindred, kindred spirit, kindu, kindy
Origin of Kindly
before 900; Middle English kyndly (adj. and adv.), Old English gecyndelīc natural, gecyndelīce naturally; see kind1, -ly
Synonyms for Kindly
attentive, benevolent, genial, gentle, good-hearted, gracious, polite, sympathetic, thoughtful, beneficial, benign, benignant, cool, cordial, favorable, friendly, generous, good, good-natured, hearty, humane, kind, kindhearted, mellow, merciful, mild, neighborly, pleasant, sociable, warm