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Showing words for KOHL using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Kohl
holk, kohl
3 Letter Words for Kohl
Definitions for Kohl
[1] a powder, as finely powdered antimony sulfide, used as a cosmetic to darken the eyelids, eyebrows, etc.
[2] Hel·mut [hel -moo t] /ˈhɛl mʊt/ , born 1930, German political leader: chancellor of West Germany (1982–90); chancellor of Germany 1990–98.
[3] a cosmetic powder used, originally esp in Muslim and Asian countries, to darken the area around the eyes. It is usually powdered antimony sulphide
[4] Helmut (ˈhɛlmuːt). born 1930, German statesman: chancellor of West Germany (1982–90) and of Germany (1990–98)
Words nearby Kohl
kohekohe, koheleth, kohen, kohima, kohinoor, kohl, kohlrabi, kohlrausch's muscle, kohoutek, kohutuhutu, koi
Origin of Kohl
1790–1800; < Arabic kohl, variant of kuhl. See alcohol
Words that may be confused with Kohl
Word origin for Kohl
C18: from Arabic kohl; see alcohol