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Showing words for LABORING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Laboring
7 Letter Words for Laboring
6 Letter Words for Laboring
5 Letter Words for Laboring
4 Letter Words for Laboring
3 Letter Words for Laboring
Definitions for Laboring
[1] productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain.
[2] the body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages.
[3] this body of persons considered as a class (distinguished from management and capital).
[4] physical or mental work, especially of a hard or fatiguing kind; toil.
[5] a job or task done or to be done.
[6] the physical effort and periodic uterine contractions of childbirth.
[7] the interval from the onset of these contractions to childbirth.
[8] (initial capital letter ) Also called Labor Department . Informal . the Department of Labor.
[9] to perform labor; exert one's powers of body or mind; work; toil.
[10] to strive, as toward a goal; work hard (often followed by for ): to labor for peace.
[11] to act, behave, or function at a disadvantage (usually followed by under ): to labor under a misapprehension.
[12] to be in the actual process of giving birth.
[13] to roll or pitch heavily, as a ship.
[14] to develop or dwell on in excessive detail: Don't labor the point.
[15] to burden or tire: to labor the reader with unnecessary detail.
[16] British Dialect . to work or till (soil or the like).
[17] of or relating to workers, their associations, or working conditions: labor reforms.
[18] the US spelling of labour
Words related to Laboring
labortoil, tend, sweat, strive, travail, plod, drive, grind, strain, struggle, drudge, slave, endeavor, cultivate
Words nearby Laboring
laborlabiovelarize, labioversion, labium, lablab, labneh, labor, labor and socialist international, labor camp, labor day, labor force, labor market
Origin of Laboring
1250–1300; Middle English labour < Middle French < Latin labōr- (stem of labor ) work
Other words from Laboring
la·bor·ing·ly , adverb
la·bor·less , adjective
an·ti·la·bor , adjective
non·la·bor , adjective
out·la·bor , verb (used with object)
o·ver·la·bor , verb (used with object)
pre·la·bor , noun, verb (used without object)
pro·la·bor , adjective
un·la·bor·ing , adjective
Synonyms for Laboring
strive, sweat, tend, toil, cultivate, drive, drudge, endeavor, grind, plod, slave, strain, struggle, travail, bear down, exert oneself, plug away, pour it on, work oneself to the bone