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Showing words for LANTANA using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Lantana
5 Letter Words for Lantana
alant, anana, annal, annat, antal, natal, tanan, tanna
4 Letter Words for Lantana
alan, anal, anan, anat, anna, anta, lana, lant, lata, naan, nala, nana, nant, natl, taal, tala, tana
3 Letter Words for Lantana
aal, ala, aln, alt, ana, ann, ant, laa, lan, lat, naa, nat, taa, tal, tan, tln
Definitions for Lantana
[1] any of numerous chiefly tropical plants belonging to the genus Lantana, of the verbena family, certain species of which, as L. camara, are cultivated for their aromatic flowers of yellow and orange or blue and violet.
[2] any verbenaceous shrub or herbaceous plant of the tropical American genus Lantana, esp L. camara , having spikes or umbels of yellow or orange flowers. It has been widely introduced and is regarded as a troublesome weed in some places
Words nearby Lantana
lansdale, lansdowne, lansing, lansker line, lansquenet, lantana, lanterman's incisure, lantern, lantern clock, lantern fish, lantern fly
Origin of Lantana
1785–95; < New Latin < dialectal Italian lantana wayfaring tree
Word origin for Lantana
C18: New Latin, from Italian dialect lantana wayfaring tree