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Showing words for LATHER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Lather
5 Letter Words for Lather
4 Letter Words for Lather
3 Letter Words for Lather
Definitions for Lather
[1] foam or froth made by a detergent, especially soap, when stirred or rubbed in water, as by a brush used in shaving or by hands in washing.
[2] foam or froth formed in profuse sweating, as on a horse.
[3] Informal . a state of excitement, agitation, nervous tension, or the like: He was in a lather over my delay.
[4] to form a lather: a soap that lathers well.
[5] to become covered with lather, as a horse.
[6] to apply lather to; cover with lather: He lathered his face before shaving.
[7] Informal . to beat or whip.
[8] a worker who puts up laths.
[9] foam or froth formed by the action of soap or a detergent in water
[10] foam formed by other liquid, such as the sweat of a horse
[11] informal a state of agitation or excitement
[12] to coat or become coated with lather
[13] (intr) to form a lather
Words related to Lather
froth, tizzy, yeast, foam, head, spume, suds, soap, cream, soapsuds, bustle, turmoil, fever, flap, agitation, confusion, twitter, hoopla, hubbub, state
Words nearby Lather
latex, latex agglutination test, latex paint, lath, lathe, lather, lathery, lathi, lathing, lathing hammer, lathy
Origin of Lather
2lath + -er1
Other words from Lather
lath·er·er , noun
un·lath·ered , adjective
Word origin for Lather
Old English lēathor soap; related to Old Norse lauthr foam
Synonyms for Lather
froth, cream, foam, head, soap, soapsuds, spume, suds, yeast