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Showing words for LATOSOL using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Latosol
6 Letter Words for Latosol
allots, atolls, salloo
5 Letter Words for Latosol
alloo, allot, altos, atoll, loast, loots, lotas, lotos, ollas, salol, salto, sloat, sloot, sotol, stall, stola, stool, talls, tolas, tolls, tools
4 Letter Words for Latosol
allo, alls, also, alto, alts, lalo, laos, last, lats, lolo, loos, loot, lost, lota, loto, lots, oast, oats, olla, oots, oslo, sall, salt, slat, sloo, slot, sola, solo, sool, soot, stoa, tall, taos, tola, toll, tool, tosa
3 Letter Words for Latosol
all, alo, als, alt, asl, ast, lao, las, lat, loa, loo, los, lot, lst, oas, oat, ola, oos, oot, oto, sal, sao, sat, sla, slt, sol, sot, sta, tal, tao, tas, tlo, toa, tol, too, tos
Definitions for Latosol
[1] a reddish lateritic soil of the tropics, deeply weathered and infertile, characterized by hydroxides of iron and aluminum.
Words nearby Latosol
latitudinarian, latitudinous, latium, latke, latona, latosol, latour, latreutic, latria, latrine, latrobe
Origin of Latosol
1945–50; lat- (irregular extracted from Latin later; see laterite) + -o- + -sol