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Showing words for LAUDABLY using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Laudably


6 Letter Words for Laudably

albula, aullay, baldly, ballad, dually

5 Letter Words for Laudably

abdal, adlay, alday, allay, alula, ayllu, badly, balau, baldy, bally, bauld, bayal, blady, blaud, bludy, buaya, bulla, bully, dally, dauby, dayal, dully, labda, laldy, lulab, yalla, yauld

4 Letter Words for Laudably

abay, ably, aday, alay, alba, ally, aula, baal, bald, ball, balu, baud, baul, baya, blad, blay, bual, buda, bull, daal, daba, daub, dual, dull, duly, lady, laud, llud, luba, udal, ulla, yaba, yabu, yalb, yald, yalu, yaud

3 Letter Words for Laudably

aal, aba, abd, abl, abu, aby, ady, ala, alb, ald, all, aly, aud, aul, ayu, baa, bad, bal, bay, bdl, bld, bud, bul, buy, dab, dal, dau, day, dbl, dub, laa, lab, lad, lay, ldl, llb, lld, lub, lud, ula, ull, yad

Definitions for Laudably

[1] deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable: Reorganizing the files was a laudable idea.
[2] Medicine/Medical Obsolete . healthy; wholesome; not noxious.
[3] deserving or worthy of praise; admirable; commendable

Words related to Laudably

laudablescrupulously, properly, appropriately, fairly, honestly, honorably, justly, truthfully, conscientiously, decently, respectably, righteously, uprightly

Words nearby Laudably

laudablelatvian, lau lau, lauan, laud, lauda, laudable, laudanum, laudation, laudatory, lauder, lauderdale lakes

Origin of Laudably

eFirst recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English word from Latin word laudābilis. See laud, -able

Words that may be confused with Laudably

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, laudablelaudable, laudatory

Other words from Laudably

laud·a·bil·i·ty , laud·a·ble·ness , noun
laud·a·bly , adverb
un·laud·a·ble , adjective
un·laud·a·ble·ness , noun
un·laud·a·bly , adverb

Synonyms for Laudably

properly, scrupulously, appropriately, conscientiously, decently, fairly, honestly, honorably, justly, respectably, righteously, trustworthily, truthfully, uprightly