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Showing words for LAVISH using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Lavish
5 Letter Words for Lavish
4 Letter Words for Lavish
3 Letter Words for Lavish
Definitions for Lavish
[1] expended, bestowed, or occurring in profusion: lavish spending.
[2] using or giving in great amounts; prodigal (often followed by of ): lavish of his time; lavish of affection.
[3] to expend or give in great amounts or without limit: to lavish gifts on a person.
[4] prolific, abundant, or profuse
[5] generous; unstinting; liberal
[6] extravagant; prodigal; wasteful lavish expenditure
[7] (tr) to give, expend, or apply abundantly, generously, or in profusion
Words related to Lavish
generous, bountiful, excessive, posh, wasteful, sumptuous, gorgeous, lush, swanky, opulent, luxurious, effusive, extravagant, grand, ritzy, exuberant, plush, profligate, expend, squander
Words nearby Lavish
laveran, lavern, laverock, lavigne, lavinia, lavish, lavoisier, lavoisier, antoine, lavolta, law, law agent
Origin of Lavish
1425–75; late Middle English lavas profusion (noun), profuse (adj.) < Middle French lavasse downpour of rain, derivative of laver to wash < Latin lavāre
Other words from Lavish
lav·ish·er , noun
lav·ish·ly , adverb
lav·ish·ness , noun
o·ver·lav·ish , adjective
o·ver·lav·ish·ly , adverb
o·ver·lav·ish·ness , noun
un·lav·ish , adjective
un·lav·ished , adjective
Word origin for Lavish
C15: adj use of lavas profusion, from Old French lavasse torrent, from Latin lavāre to wash
Synonyms for Lavish
bountiful, effusive, excessive, extravagant, exuberant, generous, gorgeous, grand, lush, luxurious, opulent, plush, posh, profligate, ritzy, sumptuous, swanky, wasteful, exaggerated, free, abundant, copious, first-class, immoderate, impressive, improvident, inordinate, intemperate, liberal, luxuriant, munificent, openhanded, plentiful, prodigal, profusive, prolific, riotous, thriftless, unreasonable, unrestrained, unsparing, unstinging, wild