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Showing words for LEA using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Lea
Definitions for Lea
[1] a tract of open ground, especially grassland; meadow.
[2] land used for a few years for pasture or for growing hay, then plowed over and replaced by another crop.
[3] a crop of hay on tillable land.
[4] untilled; fallow.
[5] a measure of yarn of varying quantity, for wool usually 80 yards (73 meters), cotton and silk 120 yards (110 meters), linen 300 yards (274 meters).
[6] Textiles . a unit length used to ascertain the linear density of yarns. a count or number representing units of linear measure per pound in linen or cotton yarn: a 20-lea yarn.
[7] Homer, 1876–1912, U.S. soldier and author: adviser 1911–12 to Sun Yat-sen in China.
[8] a female given name, form of Leah or Lee.
[9] league.
[10] leather.
[11] poetic a meadow or field
[12] land that has been sown with grass seed
[13] a unit for measuring lengths of yarn, usually taken as 80 yards for wool, 120 yards for cotton and silk, and 300 yards for linen
[14] a measure of yarn expressed as the length per unit weight, usually the number of leas per pound
[15] Local Education Authority
Words related to Lea
grassland, pasture, prairie, plain, grass, meadow, grazing, territory, terrain, range, green, ground, garden, farmland, rug, steppe, carpet, pasturage, heath, mead
Words nearby Lea
le pen, le puy, le sage, le touquet, le vau, lea, lea-rig, lea., leach, leachate, leaching
Origin of Lea
21350–1400; perhaps back formation from Middle English lese, variant of leash
Word origin for Lea
C14: of uncertain origin
Synonyms for Lea
grassland, pasture, plain, prairie, bottoms, carpet, heath, mead, pasturage, rug, steppe, veldt