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Showing words for LEAKAGE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Leakage
5 Letter Words for Leakage
4 Letter Words for Leakage
3 Letter Words for Leakage
Definitions for Leakage
[1] an act of leaking; leak.
[2] something that leaks in or out.
[3] the amount that leaks in or out.
[4] Commerce . an allowance for loss by leaking.
[5] Physics , Electricity . the loss of all or part of a useful agent, as of the electric current that flows through an insulator (leakage current) or of the magnetic flux that passes outside useful flux circuits (leakage flux) .
[6] the act or an instance of leaking
[7] something that escapes or enters by a leak
[8] commerce an allowance made for partial loss (of stock, etc) due to leaking
[9] physics an undesired flow of electric current, neutrons, etc (as modifier ) leakage current
Words related to Leakage
exposure, flow, crack, deluge, spurt, torrent, outburst, flood, stream, tide, outflow, progress, discharge, wind, movement, loss, outgoing, puncture, fissure, expenditure
Words nearby Leakage
league table, leaguer, leah, leahy, leak, leakage, leakance, leakey, leakproof, leaky, leal
Origin of Leakage
First recorded in 1480–90; leak + -age
Synonyms for Leakage
crack, exposure, flow, aperture, chink, crevice, decrease, destruction, detriment, drip, drop, escape, expenditure, fissure, hole, leaking, loss, outgoing, percolation, pit, puncture, slip, short circuit