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Showing words for LEANER using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Leaner
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Definitions for Leaner
[1] a person or thing that leans.
[2] Horseshoes . a thrown horseshoe that leans against the stake.
[3] (of persons or animals) without much flesh or fat; not plump or fat; thin: lean cattle.
[4] (of edible meat) containing little or no fat.
[5] lacking in richness, fullness, quantity, etc.; poor: a lean diet; lean years.
[6] spare; economical: a lean prose style.
[7] Automotive . (of a mixture in a fuel system) having a relatively low ratio of fuel to air (contrasted with rich).
[8] (of paint) having more pigment than oil. Compare fat(def 12) .
[9] Nautical . (of a bow) having fine lines; sharp.
[10] Metallurgy . (of ore) having a low mineral content; low-grade.
[11] the part of flesh that consists of muscle rather than fat.
[12] the lean part of anything.
[13] Typesetting . matter that is difficult to set because of complexity or intermixed fonts. Compare fat(def 23) .
[14] Sir David. 1908–91, English film director. His films include In Which We Serve (1942), Blithe Spirit (1945), Brief Encounter (1946), Great Expectations (1946), Oliver Twist (1948), The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Dr Zhivago (1965), and A Passage to India (1984)
[15] (foll by against, on, or upon ) to rest or cause to rest against a support
[16] to incline or cause to incline from a vertical position
[17] (intr; foll by to or towards) to have or express a tendency or leaning
[18] lean over backwards informal to make a special effort, esp in order to please
[19] the condition of inclining from a vertical position
[20] (esp of a person or an animal) having no surplus flesh or bulk; not fat or plump
[21] not bulky or full
[22] (of meat) having little or no fat
[23] not rich, abundant, or satisfying
[24] (of a mixture of fuel and air) containing insufficient fuel and too much air a lean mixture
[25] (of printer's type) having a thin appearance
[26] (of a paint) containing relatively little oil
[27] (of an ore) not having a high mineral content
[28] (of concrete) made with a small amount of cement
[29] the part of meat that contains little or no fat
Words related to Leaner
sinewy, gangly, lanky, slim, slender, gaunt, rangy, sparse, skinny, svelte, angular, wiry, poor, emaciated, scanty, worn, haggard, barren, spare, stick
Words nearby Leaner
lean over backwards, lean-burn, lean-faced, lean-to, leander, leaner, leangle, leaning, leaning tower of pisa, leaning tower of pisa, the, leant
Origin of Leaner
2before 1000; Middle English lene, Old English hlǣne
Other words from Leaner
lean·ly , adverb
lean·ness , noun
Word origin for Leaner
Old English hlǣne, of Germanic origin
Synonyms for Leaner
angular, gangly, gaunt, lanky, rangy, sinewy, skinny, slender, slim, sparse, svelte, wiry, anorexic, barren, emaciated, haggard, poor, scanty, shadow, spare, stick, stilt, wasted, worn, beanpole, bony, gangling, inadequate, infertile, lank, meager, no fat, pitiful, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, stringy, sylphlike, twiggy, unfruitful, unproductive, wizened