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Showing words for LEATHER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Leather
6 Letter Words for Leather
5 Letter Words for Leather
4 Letter Words for Leather
3 Letter Words for Leather
Definitions for Leather
[1] the skin of an animal, with the hair removed, prepared for use by tanning or a similar process designed to preserve it against decay and make it pliable or supple when dry.
[2] an article made of this material.
[3] stirrup leather.
[4] pertaining to, made of, or resembling leather: leather processing; leather upholstery.
[5] Slang . catering to or patronized by customers who typically wear leather clothing, often as a means of signaling interest in or preference for sadomasochistic sexual activity.
[6] to cover or furnish with leather.
[7] Informal . to beat with a leather strap.
[8] a material consisting of the skin of an animal made smooth and flexible by tanning, removing the hair, etc (as modifier ) leather goods Related adjectives: coriaceous, leathern
[9] (plural) leather clothes, esp as worn by motorcyclists
[10] the flap of a dog's ear
[11] to cover with leather
[12] to whip with or as if with a leather strap
Words related to Leather
skin, thong, strap, thrash, tan, parchment, whip, strop, goatskin, tooling, taws, sheepskin, oxhide
Words nearby Leather
least weasel, least-worst, leastways, leastwise, leat, leather, leather beetle, leather star, leather-bottle stomach, leather-hard, leather-lunged
Origin of Leather
before 1000; Middle English lether, Old English lether- (in compounds); cognate with Dutch, German leder, Old Norse lethr, MIr lethar skin, leather, Welsh lledr, Middle Breton lezr leather
Other words from Leather
un·der·leath·er , noun
un·leath·ered , adjective
Word origin for Leather
Old English lether- (in compound words); related to Old High German leder, Old Norse lethr-
Synonyms for Leather
skin, cat-o'-nine-tails, goatskin, parchment, sheepskin, strap, strop, tan, taws, thong, thrash, tooling, whip, oxhide