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Showing words for LEGALITY using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Legality


7 Letter Words for Legality

agilely, egality, tigella, tillage

6 Letter Words for Legality

aiglet, egally, gaiety, gallet, galley, gelati, gillet, lately, lealty, legati, ligate, taigle, tailge, taille, tailye, telial, tilley

5 Letter Words for Legality

agile, aglet, agley, aillt, aliet, alite, ality, alley, ately, aylet, egall, elayl, gaily, galet, galey, gally, gelly, gilet, gilly, gilty, glali, gleit, glial, ileal, italy, laeti, lagly, laity, legal, legit, lilty, tagel, taily, talli, tally, telia, telly, tilly

4 Letter Words for Legality

aget, agit, agly, aiel, aile, ally, atle, atli, egal, eila, elli, gael, gaet, gail, gait, gale, gali, gall, galt, gate, geal, geat, geit, gell, geta, gila, gile, gill, gilt, gite, glei, gley, glia, glit, gyal, gyle, gyte, ilea, illy, ital, itel, itll, laet, lait, late, lati, leal, leat, lige, lila, lile, lilt, lily, lite, lyte, tael, taig, tail, tale, tali, tall, teal, tega, teil, tela, teli, tell, tige, tile, till, yagi, yale, yali, yate, yati, yeat, yell, yelt, yeta, yeti, yill, yilt, yite

3 Letter Words for Legality

age, agt, agy, ail, ait, ale, alg, all, alt, aly, ate, aye, eat, ela, eli, ell, elt, eta, ety, eyl, gal, gat, gay, gel, get, gey, gie, git, glt, gte, gye, ile, ill, ita, lag, lai, lat, lay, lea, leg, lei, let, ley, lie, lig, lit, lye, tag, tai, tal, tay, tea, teg, tel, tie, tig, til, tye, tyg, yag, yat, yea, yet

Definitions for Legality

[1] the state or quality of being in conformity with the law; lawfulness.
[2] attachment to or observance of law.
[3] Usually legalities. a duty or obligation imposed by law.
[4] Theology . reliance on good works for salvation rather than on free grace.
[5] the state or quality of being legal or lawful
[6] adherence to legal principles

Words related to Legality

validity, justice, right, authority, lawfulness, permissibility, constitutionality

Words nearby Legality

legal weight, legal-size, legalese, legalism, legalistic, legality, legalize, leganés, legaspi, legate, legatee

Origin of Legality

1425–75; late Middle English legalite < Medieval Latin lēgālitās. See legal, -ity

Other words from Legality

pseu·do·le·gal·i·ty , noun, plural pseu·do·le·gal·i·ties.

Synonyms for Legality

validity, authority, justice, lawfulness, permissibility, right, constitutionality, defendability