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Showing words for LEMON using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Lemon
4 Letter Words for Lemon
3 Letter Words for Lemon
Definitions for Lemon
[1] the yellowish, acid fruit of a subtropical citrus tree, Citrus limon.
[2] the tree itself.
[3] lemon yellow.
[4] Informal . a person or thing that proves to be defective, imperfect, or unsatisfactory; dud: His car turned out to be a lemon.
[5] made of or with lemon.
[6] having the color, taste, or odor of lemon.
[7] a small Asian evergreen tree, Citrus limon, widely cultivated in warm and tropical regions, having pale green glossy leaves and edible fruits Related adjectives: citric, citrine, citrous
[8] the yellow oval fruit of this tree, having juicy acidic flesh rich in vitamin C (as modifier ) a lemon jelly
[9] Also called: lemon yellow a greenish-yellow or strong yellow colour (as adjective ) lemon wallpaper
[10] a distinctive tart flavour made from or in imitation of the lemon
[11] slang a person or thing considered to be useless or defective
Words related to Lemon
Words nearby Lemon
lemnian, lemniscate, lemniscus, lemnitzer, lemnos, lemon, lemon balm, lemon cheese, lemon drop, lemon fish, lemon geranium
Origin of Lemon
1350–1400; 1905–10 for def 4 ; < Medieval Latin lemōnium; replacing Middle English lymon < Medieval Latin līmō, (stem līmōn- ) < Persian līmū, līmun
Other words from Lemon
lem·on·ish , adjective
lem·on·like , lem·on·y , adjective
Word origin for Lemon
C14: from Medieval Latin lemōn-, from Arabic laymūn