8 Letter Words for Lethargy
7 Letter Words for Lethargy
earthly, greatly, hartely, heartly, lathery, rathely, regalty
6 Letter Words for Lethargy
arghel, argyle, arthel, earthy, eathly, elytra, erthly, gareth, gather, geraty, gleary, grayle, gyrate, haglet, halter, hartly, hearty, heyrat, hyetal, hyrate, larget, lather, lyrate, raglet, raylet, realty, telary, tergal, thaler, yearth
5 Letter Words for Lethargy
aglet, agley, alert, alhet, alter, argel, argle, artel, artly, ately, athel, aygre, aylet, early, earth, ergal, ethal, ethyl, eyght, galet, galey, gareh, garle, garth, gater, gayer, gerah, getah, glare, glary, grate, great, greta, gyral, haler, halte, harle, hatel, hater, hayer, hayle, heart, hyleg, lager, large, largy, later, lathe, lathy, layer, leary, leath, lehay, lethy, lyart, lythe, ratel, rathe, rayle, regal, relay, retag, retal, rhyta, tagel, taler, targe, tayer, teary, telar, terga, thrae, tyler, yager, yarth, yerga, yerth
4 Letter Words for Lethargy
ager, aget, agly, ahey, areg, aret, argh, arle, arte, arty, aryl, atle, atry, ayre, earl, eath, egal, eral, erat, erth, eyah, eyra, gael, gaet, gale, galt, gare, gart, gary, gate, gath, geal, gear, geat, gery, geta, ghat, glar, gley, grat, gray, gret, gyal, gyle, gyre, gyte, hale, halt, hare, harl, hart, hate, haye, heal, hear, heat, hela, hera, herl, hert, hery, htel, hyla, hyle, hyte, laer, laet, lare, late, lath, lear, leat, lehr, lgth, lyra, lyre, lyte, rage, rale, rate, rath, real, regt, rely, rhea, rhet, ryal, tael, tahr, tale, tare, teal, tear, tega, tehr, tela, tera, thae, thar, thea, they, trag, trah, tray, trey, trye, tyer, yale, yare, yarl, yate, yeah, year, yeat, yelt, yeta, yeth
3 Letter Words for Lethargy
aer, age, agr, agt, agy, ale, alg, alt, aly, are, arg, art, ary, ate, aye, ayr, ear, eat, ela, elt, era, erg, ert, eta, eth, ety, eyl, eyr, gal, gar, gat, gay, gel, ger, get, gey, glt, gra, gry, gte, gye, hae, hag, hat, hay, hel, her, het, hey, hgt, hye, lag, lah, lar, lat, lay, lea, leg, ler, let, ley, ltr, lye, rag, rah, rat, ray, rea, reg, reh, rel, rha, rhe, rhy, rle, rly, rte, rya, rye, tag, tal, tar, tay, tea, teg, tel, ter, tha, the, thy, tlr, tra, try, tye, tyg, tyr, yag, yah, yar, yat, yea, yeh, yer, yet
Definitions for Lethargy
[1] the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic, or indifferent and lazy; apathetic or sluggish inactivity.
[2] Pathology . an abnormal state or disorder characterized by overpowering drowsiness or sleep.
[3] sluggishness, slowness, or dullness
[4] an abnormal lack of energy, esp as the result of a disease
Words related to Lethargy
inactivity, disinterest, apathy, drowsiness, inertness, sloth, torpidity, sleep, languor, idleness, indifference, impassivity, dullness, unconcern, inaction, torpor, passiveness, listlessness, coma, inertia
Words nearby Lethargy
lethal midline granuloma, lethal mutation, lethargic, lethargic encephalitis, lethargize, lethargy, lethbridge, lethe, lethiferous, letitia, leto
Origin of Lethargy
1325–75; < Late Latin lēthargia < Greek lēthargía, equivalent to lḗtharg(os ) drowsy + -ia -y3 (see Lethe, -algia); replacing Middle English litargie < Medieval Latin litargīa < Late Greek, Greek, as above
Other words from Lethargy
hy·per·leth·ar·gy , noun
Word origin for Lethargy
C14: from Late Latin lēthargīa, from Greek lēthargos drowsy, from lēthē forgetfulness
Synonyms for Lethargy
apathy, disinterest, drowsiness, inactivity, coma, disregard, dullness, hebetude, heedlessness, idleness, impassivity, inaction, inanition, indifference, indolence, inertia, inertness, insouciance, languor, lassitude, listlessness, passiveness, phlegm, sleep, sleepiness, sloth, slowness, slumber, stupor, torpidity, torpidness, torpor, unconcern, unmindfulness, supineness