10 Letter Words for Lieutenant
9 Letter Words for Lieutenant
8 Letter Words for Lieutenant
aleutite, entalent, entitule, tetanine, unlitten
7 Letter Words for Lieutenant
ailette, alunite, aniente, annulet, antient, enalite, entitle, innuate, intuent, lautite, leniate, lenient, lineate, lituate, lunette, nauntle, taenite, teniate, tenline, tenuate, titlene, uneaten, untaint
6 Letter Words for Lieutenant
alette, aliene, alnein, alnuin, annite, annule, annuli, attune, aulete, auntie, elaine, elanet, eleuin, eluant, eluate, eluent, enlute, entail, entune, ineunt, inlaut, innate, intent, intune, lanete, lateen, latent, latite, latten, lattin, lenite, letten, linnet, linten, litatu, litten, luiten, lunate, lutein, lutten, nantle, nattle, neaten, nettle, nitent, nunlet, nutant, nutate, nutlet, tailet, tainte, talent, talite, tantie, tantle, tauten, teetan, telint, telnet, tenail, tenant, tenent, teniae, tentie, tenuit, tenuti, tienta, tineal, tinean, tinlet, tinnet, titule, tunnel, tutela, tutele, uniate, unital, unlean, unlent, unline, unnail, unneat, untent, untile, untilt, untine
5 Letter Words for Lieutenant
ainee, alenu, aleut, alien, aliet, alite, altin, altun, anele, anent, anile, anlet, annet, annie, annul, atilt, atlee, attle, atule, atune, eaten, elain, elate, elint, elite, elute, enate, enent, enlit, ennia, ennui, ental, entea, entia, entte, ettin, ettle, inane, inlet, innet, intel, intnl, intue, inula, laeti, laine, laten, latin, latte, lenin, lenti, liane, lieue, lieut, linea, linen, lunet, lutea, naunt, neela, nenta, nintu, ninut, nitta, taint, tanti, tatie, tatin, taunt, telia, tenai, tenet, tenia, tenla, tenne, tennu, tenue, tetel, tinea, tinta, titan, title, tuant, tuina, tunal, tunna, tutee, tutin, uinal, ulnae, uniat, unite, unlet, unlie, unlit, unnet, untie, until, untin, utile
4 Letter Words for Lieutenant
aiel, aile, aine, aint, ainu, aitu, alee, alen, alin, anet, anil, anne, anni, ante, anti, antu, atle, atli, atte, attn, aune, aunt, aute, eale, eila, eine, elan, elne, etat, eten, etna, etua, etui, ilea, inne, inta, intl, ital, itel, laen, laet, lain, lait, lane, lant, late, lati, laun, lean, leat, leet, lena, lene, lent, lete, lett, lien, lieu, lina, line, linn, lint, lite, litu, luit, luna, lune, lunn, lunt, lute, nael, nail, nain, nale, nane, nant, natl, natu, naut, neal, neat, neet, nein, nene, nete, neti, neut, nile, nina, nine, tael, taen, tail, tain, tait, tale, tali, tane, tate, tatu, taun, taut, teal, tean, teat, teel, teen, teet, teil, tela, tele, teli, telt, tene, tent, tete, tien, tile, tilt, tine, tint, tite, tuan, tula, tule, tuna, tune, tute, ulan, ulna, ulta, unai, unal, unie, unit, unta, utai, util
3 Letter Words for Lieutenant
ail, ain, ait, ale, aln, alt, ane, ann, ant, anu, ate, att, aul, ean, eat, eau, eel, een, ela, eli, elt, ene, enl, eta, ile, inn, int, ita, lai, lan, lat, lea, lee, lei, let, leu, lie, lin, lit, lue, lut, nae, nat, nea, nee, nei, net, nie, nil, nit, nne, nul, nun, nut, tai, tal, tan, tat, tau, tea, tee, tel, ten, tet, tie, til, tin, tit, tiu, tln, tnt, tua, tue, tui, tun, tut, uit, ula, ule, ult, una, uni, unl, unn, uta, ute, uti
Definitions for Lieutenant
[1] Military . first lieutenant. second lieutenant.
[2] U.S. Navy . a commissioned officer ranking between lieutenant junior grade and lieutenant commander.
[3] a person who holds an office, civil or military, in subordination to a superior for whom he or she acts: If he can't attend, he will send his lieutenant.
[4] a military officer holding commissioned rank immediately junior to a captain
[5] a naval officer holding commissioned rank immediately junior to a lieutenant commander
[6] US an officer in a police or fire department ranking immediately junior to a captain
[7] a person who holds an office in subordination to or in place of a superior
Words related to Lieutenant
help, helper, deputy, aide, second, subordinate, partner, supporter, accomplice, coadjutor, abettor, patron, adjunct, mate, collaborator, friend, colleague, adherent, associate, backer
Words nearby Lieutenant
lieut, lieut., lieut. col., lieut. comdr., lieutenancy, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant commander, lieutenant general, lieutenant governor, lieutenant junior grade
Origin of Lieutenant
1325–75; Middle English < Middle French, noun use of adj. phrase lieu tenant place-holding. See locum tenens, lieu, tenant
Other words from Lieutenant
un·der·lieu·ten·ant , noun
Word origin for Lieutenant
C14: from Old French, literally: place-holding
Synonyms for Lieutenant
abettor, accessory, accomplice, adherent, adjunct, adjutant, aide, ally, appointee, apprentice, associate, attendant, auxiliary, backer, backup, coadjutor, collaborator, colleague, companion, confederate, cooperator, deputy, flunky, follower, friend, gofer, help, helper, helpmate, mate, partner, patron, peon, representative, second, secretary, subordinate, supporter, temp, coadjutant, fellow worker, right-hand person, temporary worker