8 Letter Words for Lifeboat
7 Letter Words for Lifeboat
6 Letter Words for Lifeboat
albeit, albite, baltei, betail, betoil, bletia, boatel, boatie, boleti, bolita, faible, fetial, filate, flaite, foible, folate, labite, leafit, libate, lobate, obelia, obital, oblate, tofile
5 Letter Words for Lifeboat
abilo, ablet, aboil, abote, aleft, alfet, aliet, alife, alite, aloft, atelo, atole, baile, bailo, balei, balti, batel, beati, befit, belat, biota, blate, bleat, blite, bloat, blote, boite, bolti, botel, fable, fatil, fetal, filao, filea, filet, flite, float, floit, flota, flote, foeti, folia, folie, ibota, laeti, obeli, oblat, tabel, table, talio, telia, teloi, toile
4 Letter Words for Lifeboat
abel, abet, abit, able, aiel, aile, albe, alef, alif, aloe, alto, aoli, atef, atle, atli, baft, bail, bait, bale, bali, bate, beal, beat, bela, belt, beta, bile, bilo, biol, bite, bito, blae, blat, blea, bleo, blet, blit, blot, boat, boil, bola, bole, bolt, bota, bote, boti, eila, fail, fait, fate, feal, feat, feil, felt, feta, fiat, fiel, fila, file, filo, filt, flab, flat, flea, flet, flit, flob, floe, flot, foal, foil, fole, ilea, ilot, iota, ital, itel, laet, laft, lait, late, lati, leaf, leat, left, leto, lief, life, lifo, lift, lite, loaf, lobe, lobi, loft, lota, lote, loti, obia, obit, obli, olea, tabi, tael, tail, tale, tali, teal, teil, tela, teli, tiao, tile, tobe, toea, toil, tola, tole
3 Letter Words for Lifeboat
abl, abo, abt, afb, aft, ail, ait, alb, ale, alf, alo, alt, aob, ate, bae, bai, bal, bat, bef, bel, bet, bio, bit, blo, blt, boa, boe, bol, bot, btl, eat, efl, eft, ela, elb, elf, eli, elt, eof, eta, fab, fao, fat, fbi, feb, fei, fet, fib, fie, fil, fit, flb, flo, flt, fob, foe, fol, fot, iao, iba, ife, ile, ilo, iof, ita, lab, lai, lao, lat, lbf, lea, lei, leo, let, lib, lie, lif, lit, loa, lob, loe, lof, lot, oaf, oat, oba, obe, obi, obl, oft, oie, oil, ola, ole, tab, tai, tal, tao, tea, tef, tel, tib, tie, til, tlo, toa, tob, toe, toi, tol
Definitions for Lifeboat
[1] a double-ended ship's boat, constructed, mounted, and provisioned so as to be readily able to rescue and maintain persons from a sinking vessel.
[2] a similarly constructed boat used by shore-based rescue services.
[3] a boat, propelled by oars or a motor, used for rescuing people at sea, escaping from a sinking ship, etc
[4] informal a fund set up by the dealers in a market to rescue any member who may become insolvent as a result of a collapse in market prices
Words related to Lifeboat
reprieve, mercy, remission, clemency, amnesty, absolution, allowance, discharge, pardon, deferment, postponement, abatement, respite, suspension, truce, dinghy, canoe, sailboat, yacht, craft
Words nearby Lifeboat
life-size, life-support, life-support system, life-threatening, lifeblood, lifeboat, lifeboatman, lifecast, lifeful, lifeguard, lifehack
Origin of Lifeboat
First recorded in 1795–1805; life + boat
Synonyms for Lifeboat
absolution, allowance, amnesty, clemency, mercy, remission, reprieve, acquittal, anchor, commute, conciliation, condonation, discharge, exculpation, excuse, exoneration, forbearance, freeing, grace, indemnification, indemnity, indulgence, justification, kindness, lifesaver, release, vindication